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El Nino
Typically, the level of ocean water around the world is higher in the western Pacific and lower in the eastern, near the Western coast of South and
North America. This is due primarily to the presence of easterly winds in the
Pacific, which drag the surface water westward and raise the thermocline relatively all the way up to the surface in the east and dampen it in the west.
During El Nino conditions, however, the easterlies move east, reducing the continuing interaction between wind and sea, allowing the thermocline to become nearly flat and to plunge several feet below the surface of the water, allowing the water to grow warm and expand. With the help of the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration's weather satellites, tracking shifting patterns of sea-surface temperatures can be made easier. Normally, a "pool" of warm water in the western Pacific waters exists. Under El Nino conditions, this "pool" drifts southeast towards the coast of South America. This is because, in a normal year, there is upwelling on the western South American coastline, and cold waters of the Pacific rise and push westward. However, during an El Nino year, upwelling is suppressed and as a result, the thermocline is lower than normal. Finally, thermocline rises in the west, making upwelling easier and water colder. Air pressures at sea level in the South Pacific seesaw back and forth between two distinct patterns. In the high index phase, also called "Southern Oscillation", pressure is higher near and to the east of Tahiti than farther to the west near
Darwin. The east-west pressure difference along the equator causes the surface air to flow westward. When the atmosphere switches into the low index phase, barometers rise in the west and fall in the east, signaling a reduction, or even a reversal the pressure difference between Darwin and Tahiti. The flattening of the seesaw causes the easterly surface winds to weaken and retreat eastward.
The "low index" phase is usually accompanied by El Nino conditions.
The easterly winds along the equator and the southeasternly winds that blow along the Peru and Ecuador coasts both tend to drag the surface water along with them. The Earth's rotation then deflects the resulting surface currents toward the right (northward) in the...
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...rface water. In the presence of sunlight, phytoplankton can produce chlorophyll, a tiny green plant substance. In turn, this substance feeds zooplankton, which in turn feeds higher members of the food chain. During El Nino conditions, the water level rises in the east and lowers in the west, forcing many changes to happen among the plant and animal life. Sea birds in the east must leave their nests, abandoning their young and searching for food which is not there, because the critical upwelling which causes the plankton and other lower members of the food chain to be produced is not there. Water temperature is above normal, and tropical fish are displaced poleward or migrate, along with the anchovy and sardines. On land, the effects produced a great amount of rainfall, making the desert lands into a grassland with lush vegetation and abundant life. Grasshoppers come, fueling toad and bird populations, and the increase in rainfall produces lakes which fish come to inhabit, fish that had migrated upstream during floods produced by the rain and become somehow trapped. In some flooded coastal cities, shrimp production set records. So too did the number of mosquito-borne malaria cases.
coast (as shown in pictures 1 & 2). The area of sea is subject to the
Many variations and species of plants can be found all around the world and in different habitats. These variations and characteristics are due to their adaptations to the natural habitat surrounding them. In three of many climatic zones, the arid, tropical and temperate zone, plants that vary greatly from each other are found in these locations. In this experiment, we’ll be observing the connection between the adaptations of the plants to their environment at the Fullerton Arboretum. The arboretum is a space containing numerous plants from different environments. The plants are carefully looked after and organized into their specific habitat. Therefore, we’ll be able to take a look at the plants within multiple
At a bookhouse, a woman chooses to burn and die with her books and afterwards Montag begins to believe that there is something truly amazing in books, something so amazing that a woman would kill herself for (Allen 1). At this point in the story Guy begins to read and steal books to rebel against society (Watt 2). Montag meets a professor named Faber and they conspire together to steal books. Montag soon turns against the authorities and flees their deadly hunting party in a hasty, unpremeditated act of homicide, and escapes the country (Watt 2). The novel ends as Montag joins a group in the county where each person becomes and narrates a book but for some strange reason refuses to interpret it (Slusser 63). Symbolism is involved in many aspects of the story. In Fahrenheit 451Ray Bradbury employs various significant symbols through his distinct writing style.
Each plant species has a unique pattern of resource allocation that is genetically determined but not fixed. Plants can adjust there allocation pattern when they experience different environments and the presence of other species. Phenotypic plasticity goes hand in hand with resource allocation as well. When a plant has to adjust itʻs resource allocation, sometimes it uses itʻs resources to help the plant grow different characteristic so that the plant can have a greater chance of living in the environment. For example, if a plant from an environment that does not experience wind on the regular basis enters a new environment that has a lot of wind the plant may change itʻs resource allocation and spend more of itʻs resources growing deeper
Warmer water temperature discharged by waste industrial heat into water can affect many aquatic species that cannot tolerate the warmth. A higher level of temperature can result in low oxygen concentrations by speeding up the rate of decomposition of organic matter. "The discharges are often associated with coal-or nuclear-fuelled power plants, and sometimes with large factories." (H.J. Dorcey). The increase of heat materials dumped into water can increase the temperature level in the water bodies and can affect all living organisms within that body. There are many disadvantaging technology which has been affecting water and raising the water temperature from normal. For example, electric power plants might withdraw water from nearby water bodies for the purpose of cooling in the plant and then return the heated water back to the same water body. This is insanely affecting the regular temperature. If the water is not the same, it can lead to many damages within the water body. For example, fishes will dies exhausted from the warmth and it will also affect other aquatic organisms causing them to boil in the water caused by others, sacrificing these creatures. Water from excessively heating up can be best prevented by using special cooling towers and ponds that disperse the energy into the
The coastal plain is an arid, elongated stretch of land extending the entire length of the country and varying in wild from about 65 to 160 km. (about 40 to 100 mi) it is a northern extension of the Tacoma Desert of Chile. The plain has few adequate harbors. Most of the desert is so dry that only10 of the 52 rivers draining the Andean slopes to the Pacific Ocean have sufficient volume to maintain the flow across the desert and reach the coast. However, the coast is the economic center of Peru. Most of the Nation’s leading commercial and export crops grow in the 40 oases of the region.
Frank J. Goodnow’s “Politics and Administration,” infers that politics and administration cannot be divided and are in need of each other to function. However, politics are superior to administration. Goodnow’s further analyzes and identifies three forms of authorities that enforce and implements states will. The first responsibility of authority is to respect the right of the people when conflicts ascend between either private or public matters. The second is judicial authorities also referred to as executive authorities that ensure the needs and policies of the state are executed. The third authority also referred to as “administrative authorities,” focuses on the mechanical, scientific and business authorities pertaining to the government.
Except for the intrinsic scarce resources, developing countries also need machinery and equipment, intermediate inputs, technology and management experience resources in the process of industrialization. Through free trade liberalization, developing countries can get these necessary scarce resources, which promote the development of national economy, improve labor productivity levels. As a result, free trade liberalization can promote the developing of economy.
Woolf empowers women writers by first exploring the nature of women and fiction, and then by incorporating notions of androgyny and individuality as it exists in a woman's experience as writer.
First, states can obtain benefits from free trade policy because of the elimination of tariffs and subsidies. Supporters of free trade advocate the elimination of tariffs and subsidies oppose regulation that force companies to pay extra for doing business in foreign markets. A main principle of free trade is non-intervention from the government. Under free trade policy, uncontrolled or unrestricted access to economy allows states to open up of all international markets, and this makes all states equal competitors on the same level (Balaam and Dillman, 2011b). Many people argue that free trade is beneficial to the development of states’ economy because domestic companies do not have to pay extra taxes and tariffs in order to trade their products internationally. Free trade also brings more money into the local economy. As entrepreneurs who sell their products to
”Free trade policies have created a level of competition in today's open market that engenders continual innovation and leads to better products, better-paying jobs, new markets, and increased savings and investment” (Denise Froning). Though Free trade plays a huge role in the economy today because of what and where it is used. Free trade allows for traders to trade across national boundaries and other countries without government interference. Meaning that traders have very few regulations that allow for them to do this without the government intervening. Free trade makes things for traders much easier and also allows for many more jobs in the US, such as exporting jobs, or jobs in the auto industry and plants. Though there are many other types of trade policies, none give more benefits than that of free trade. Free trade is not determined by artificial prices that may or may not reflect the true environment of supply and demand.
Leadership and Planning: It is critical to have a unified leadership structure that strategically guides the direction of nursing. To do this some nurses must step beyond patient care and up to positions of power and influence in representation of the field among healthcare decision
Politics-Administration Dichotomy essentially has a two part meaning; there are two functions of government for this idea, as the name implies politics, and administration. The argument about the dichotomy between politics and public administration has been around for several years with no overall consensus on why they should be distinct from one another. Looking critically at both sides of the idea, there are ways to demonstrate an accurate presentation of the administrative agencies working and there are also ways they have proved to be inaccurate. There are just as many downfalls to a politicized bureaucracy. There will be more benefits to the politics-administration dichotomy view with the concept put in place by Woodrow Wilson. He simply promotes a clear distinction between politics and administration and supports the idea that they are interdependent of one another, and they require one another for the appropriate balance between democracy and efficiency. The idea of Wilson’s concept will allow agencies to gain the most efficiency through interdependence of politics-administration.
In our first class session we accomplished a lot, we learned about the key themes that can be found in the New testament and how one goes about questioning the themes and connecting the new and old testaments. The one major theme that we found to be one of the big ones of the New Testament was Jesus and all his deeds, death and resurrection. When this theme was first revealed to the class, I thought well obviously! But once we began to talk about all the other themes such as restoration, redemption, the church and the building relationship between the Jews and Gentiles. And Dr. Hall began to connect each theme together with a link and with each connection every last theme eventually led back to Jesus and his deeds, death and resurrection
cause a greater amount of evaporation from lakes, rivers, and oceans. In some areas this could be