Effects Of Social Media On Beauty

2073 Words5 Pages

Jasmine Dideban
Sarah Britto
ENG 214
12 May 2016
The Effects of Internet Media on Society’s Perception of Beauty What is beauty? Have our society’s definitions of physical beauty changed as a result of online social media? This image of beauty started as early as the creation of the Barbie doll. This toy was bought for millions of girls around the world and became a role model figure, leading to the want and need to be just like the toy. This left lasting impressions on consumers due to the the altered image of beauty that was put forth. The rise of social media websites, such as My Space, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and Vine, in the past decade has had a tremendous effect on society’s definition and perception of beauty. In addition, …show more content…

All age groups and genders can be affected by the portrayal of unrealistic and extreme beauty ideals on the internet. However, the demographic that is most affected are female adolescents. According to the website for Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders, more than sixty-nine percent of girls ages 10 to 18 reported that pictures in print magazines and online magazines influenced their idea of a perfect body shape. In addition, forty-seven percent of girls ages 10 to 18 said they wanted to lose weight because of the pictures that they saw in print and online magazines. This is a problem considering that the body type most often portrayed in advertising, at least five feet and seven inches tall and between 95 and 120 pounds, is possessed naturally by less than five percent of Americans. Young women may develop eating disorders partly as a result of their feelings of inadequacy that stem from their views and beliefs about beauty which have been determined and influenced by the images and information presented in social media, online magazines, online advertising, and other websites. It is terrible that the internet and social media have had such negative effects on how people view themselves to the point where people are willing to risk their health in an attempt to look like …show more content…

Our society’s views about appearance and physical attractiveness have become ideals that are almost unachievable due to the ability of companies and individuals to digitally alter photographs in order to make people look extremely thin and flawless. Other physical attributes such as clear skin, symmetrical faces, large eyes, full lips, and white teeth, are just a few examples of beauty ideals that are created using Photoshop and other online photo editing software. It is impossible for one person to possess all of the qualities that society labels as ideal. Many people result to cosmetic products, plastic surgery, or even starving themselves in an attempt to achieve these unachievable beauty goals. It is immensely important that companies and individuals follow in the path of the leaders of current social movements who are fighting against the negative impacts of online media. How people view themselves should not be defined by how closely their exterior self matches up to the online images of celebrities, models, or even their peers. Although the internet can and does cause suffering and harm, it also has the potential to spread positive ideas related to body image and

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