Effects Of Gender Socialization

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Gender socialization is the learning of social expectations and attitudes on gender-related and human processes. They learn different social roles and being different characters. Gender leads the behavior of human between men and women so differently. For the most obvious example, the girls learn to do different household compare to boys; girls learn how to cook, how to clean, and boys learn to repair things and do the heavy stuffs. Gender socialization appears mainly because of the attitude of parents, schools, and the communication between peers, as well as the mass media. Sometimes, unequal gender roles brought about bad influences ; for instance, the role of women in society is more difficult to get involve in politics, some countries’ …show more content…

In other words, experts disagree on whether differences between men and women are due to nurture, or some combination of both. So do I, I believe that it is media what shape our concept of gender.
The media definitely has a huge affect on the socialization of gender and can affect people’s attitudes and behaviors toward the opposite sex. One of the most common example is advertisements.
We never seen softener commercials show men cleaning the bathroom and washing the windows instead of women right? Or beer and alcoholic drinks commercials show women sitting around watching sports games with their buddies while drinking a beer instead of men? Of course not. Because women are expected to clean the house and it is more socially acceptable for men to chill around the house with a beer than it is for a woman. The commercials are creating these social standards, we might not notice , but that is what happening around us. Since the media differentiates between specific male and female roles by using only males for male roles and only females for female roles, we would find it weird when a man does something considered to be a woman’s task, or a woman does something we think it should be what men doing. And that’s how media influence and shape the gender …show more content…

For instance, the signs that mean 'OK' or 'Come here!' However, be aware that although some emblems are internationally recognized, others may need to be interpreted in their cultural background, some movement could be considered rude or offensive in other culture.
Illustrators: Gestures which to send a verbal message are known as illustrators. For instance, if u draw a circle with your hand, it means 'over and over again', or nodding the head in one direction when saying 'over there'.
Affect Displays: These are facial languages or gestures which show the emotions we feel. These are often unintentional and can be different with what we r saying. these expressions give strong hints as to the true emotive state of a person.
Verbal and non-verbal communication are both essential to human communication. We would not be able to fully understand the message without considering other. Verbal communication is very powerful, that can be used to shape the culture, create content, classify individuals. Yet, non-verbal communication is beyond its influence over verbal communication, I believe it was the beginner of expression during a communication. People start to express understandings and opinions of others before they even learn to speak, it helps expressing the information during the early phase of

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