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Social stratification today
Social stratification of modern societies
Social stratification today
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A PLEASANT PLACE WITH SLUM A PLEASANT PLACE WITH SLUM This essay will argue the slum has an adverse social impact for the city, meanwhile, yield cultural and social advantages for society. It will argue by considering the negative impact of the slum to the city, then it will discuss positive externalities of the slum to the society and the meaning for the wealthy class. First, it will consider the consequence of sanitation problem in the slum. Second, the slum protected working opportunity and origin culture for the city. Third, it will identify the rich gain better quality of life by the boundary of the slum. Fourth, it will explain slum has created cultural specificity for the city. The existence of slum had created …show more content…
First, the rich could gain social-economic benefit from racial segregation in the slum. Several example throughout slum history shows racial segregation has a consequence of social disconnection. Black belt was a slum located in Chicago, where the majority population were black migrant who moved from the south. In terms of employment and housing policy, Baldwin (2007) clarify that housing covenant prohibits property trade toward Negro. The divergent living area between race became an obstacle to social communication and connection, isolating and excluding the black from the society. Also, Baldwin (2007) mentioned an exclusion of trade regulation has prevented working opportunity for black migrant, restricted the race to work with a skilled and professional industry, resulted in a cultural social movement called ‘Don’t Spend Your Money Where You Can’t Work’. From Negro’s perceptive, the slum raised social conflict and discrimination in the city tarnishing harmony for the …show more content…
Zoning and restrictive were settled up because of the concern of individual interest by the white resident in Chicago. In terms of social welfare, Peter (1979) explains, there was a significant growth of the economy by the increasing population in slum migration, yet, also arise in the unemployment rate. Due to the insufficient and limited employment supply in the city, slum migrant increased the competition in the labour market. It is believed that segregation and racial covenant could ensure employment position of skilled industry and professional, protected working opportunity for the upper class. Meanwhile, according to David (2016), the white, especially for the upper class, during early 20th century has a hierarchy perception toward black race, considered black race was uncivilised, low-educated with an inferior cultural. Whitzman (2009, p.26) argues ‘as cities were ‘invaded’ by waves of immigration, neighbourhoods would… overtaken in popularity by newer communities on the periphery.’ Slum plays a successful role as a barrier to cultural exchange for the white. For example, the establishment of the black school and white school prevented white child to gain knowledge from black culture, in order to preserve a distinct white culture and language. A zoning for migrant in the slum has maintained the power for the rich and protected the original cultural of the
Cleveland’s black population was quite small before the “Great Migration” in 1915, but then began to gradually increase. This meant that black associations and leadership depended very much on white support. The socioeconomic position of blacks, however, at the same time, got worse as whites got stricter on discriminatory control over employment and public places. After 1915, Cleveland’s black population grew quickly, starting racist trends. One of the results was segregation of the living conditions of blacks, their jobs, and in social aspects. As isolation increased, however, this began the growth of new leaders and associations that responded to the needs of the ghettos. By 1930, the black ghetto had expanded; Cleveland’s blacks had increased class stratification in their community, as well as an increasing sense of cultural harmony in response to white prejudice.
...ll. The inner city has many complications the fact that most are African American is a mere coincidence. If we as a nation are capable of fixing all institutions and structural issues we could bring the slums out of poverty. The cycle of unemployment and poverty is a terrible cycle that cannot only be judged by race and cultural values. When reading this book keep in mind the difficulties, any family or person could go through these tribulations. There are many arguments and sides to each problem; this is another one of those. The battle for inner city poverty, and the factors that go along with it, has not been finished. Wilson brings out a different aspect which could help people expand horizons and come up with better solutions.
Charles, Camille (2003). The dynamics of racial residential segregation. Annual Review of Sociology, 167. Retrieved from http://jstor.org/stable/30036965.
“gentrification as an ugly product of greed. Yet these perspectives miss the point. Gentrification is a byproduct of mankind 's continuing interest in advancing the notion that one group is more superior to another and worthy of capitalistic consumption with little regard to social consciousness. It is elitism of the utmost and exclusionary politics to the core. This has been a constant theme of mankind to take or deplete a space for personal gain. In other words, it 's very similar to the "great advantage" of European powers over Native Americans and westward expansion”(Wharton).
Many of these ethnic groups still reside where their relatives first lived when they arrived many years ago, whereas a majority of the ethnic groups have dispersed all over the Chicago land area, creating many culturally mixed neighborhoods. Ultimately, all of these ethnic groups found their rightful area in which they belong in Chicago. To this day, the areas in Chicago that the different ethnic immigrants moved to back in the 1920s are very much so the same. These immigrants have a deep impact on the development of neighborhoods in today’s society. Without the immigrants’ hard work and their ambition to establish a life for their families and their future, Chicago would not be as developed and defined as it is now.
The downgrading of African Americans to certain neighborhoods continues today. The phrase of a not interested neighborhood followed by a shift in the urban community and disturbance of the minority has made it hard for African Americans to launch themselves, have fairness, and try to break out into a housing neighborhood. If they have a reason to relocate, Caucasians who support open housing laws, but become uncomfortable and relocate if they are contact with a rise of the African American population in their own neighborhood most likely, settle the neighborhoods they have transfer. This motion creates a tremendously increase of an African American neighborhood, and then shift in the urban community begins an alternative. All of these slight prejudiced procedures leave a metropolitan African American population with few options. It forces them to remain in non-advanced neighborhoods with rising crime, gang activity, and...
Although they needed African Americans for their factories and work ethics they did not agree with them having the same rights or sharing any rights with them. They wanted them just to work for them and have authority over African Americans. The more Africans Americans populated their living area, the more whites felt upon to call for action. For example whites wanted to feel much superior...”African Americans had to step off the sidewalk when a white person approached”(Digital Collection for the Classroom). This quote illustrates how whites did anything in their power to feel superior. The Great Migration caused whites to fear and enable them to more injustice actions. Although the Great Migration did benefit many African Americans in certain aspects it also crated unintended consequences. Due to the large growth of the African-American population there was an increasing competition amongst the migrants for employment and living space in the growing crowded cities of the North. Besides, racism and prejudice led to the interracial strife and race riots, worsening the situation between the whites and the African Americans. Racism became even more of a national problem. The Great Migration intensions were to let African Americans live a better life style economically wise and help them from poverty not cause even more issues with racism or become competition against others. Because many white people did not want to sell their property to African Americans, they began to start their own exclusive cities within that area of sell. These exclusive cities were called the “ Ghetto”(Black, 2013). The ghetto was subject to high illness, violence, high crime rate, inadequate recreational facilities; lack of building repairs, dirty streets, overcrowded schools; and mistreatment from the law enforcement. Although the ghetto cities helped unify African Americans as
According to Loic Wacquant, Ghetto was a Janus-Faced Institution, that is, an institution that on one hand benefit the people who control the ghetto and on the other hand also protect the people in it from contact with outside. However, it has transformed to hyper ghetto that benefit more for the control party than as a protection for the oppressed. Gated community is another spatial institution in America that makes race, both within and outside. By comparing the characteristic of ghetto and gated community, it’s obvious that these two spatial institutions are in two extreme location of racial domination: gated community is the oppressor and ghetto is the oppressed. Moreover, the state also plays a role in defining make and the making of spatial
In Black Metropolis, authors describe how “Black Belt” was formed and its living environment. Black Belt was an area concentrated with black population, which included lots of migrants from the south. In that period, colored people are facing unfair treatment, they are not welcomed by the whites. There were properties organization banning colored rent or buy real estates, forcing them stayed in the black belt although it was overcrowded. The condition inside was very bad, high diseases and death rates; inadequate recreation; and dirty street etc. Lacking resources resulted in this bad condition as there were no one willing to help them. A member of Real Estate Board stated that: “We have no plans for them. Perhaps they can return to the South.” (Drake, Cayton, 207)
The transformation of theme from “How city is a social order?” to “Social discrimination in city” is quite interesting. This discrimination was spatial in nature and was specifically against the African Americans. The articles we have related to this theme are The French movie “La Haine”, Suburbs as slums” Race, Ethnicity and Real Estate appraisal, Casino Urbanism Ghettos and Anti-Ghettos and Inner City’s Social Dislocations.
In the early twentieth century, there is a lot of suburbanization going on. Most of the white population and factories were being move to suburb area, so suburbs become economically advanced areas. There are more housing opportunity in the inner city, since the whites were move out, so there are a lot of blacks and poor people start to move in. Inner city soon become black people’s living space. However, they were isolated from suburb area, the economic depression is everywhere in the city, the house are poor and crowded, most of the residents live under the poverty and many other social problems.
From 1940 to 1970, Ferguson was an almost exclusively white neighborhood due to loan guidelines that deemed the loans as “too high risk if they were used in racially integrated communities” (Sharkey 2014). However, Ferguson is now approximately sixty-five percent black due to a majority of white families moving out of its neighborhoods. This trend in movement is known as “white flight”.(documentation of white flight) It has left vacant buildings and homes sit in disrepair leaving the community to decay. This also effects the ability to communicate effectively to its government due to the racial and economic disparity that doesn’t allow for shared experiences and beliefs. Tom van der Meer and Jochem Tolsma address this notion in their article “Ethnic Diversity and Its Effects on Social Cohesion” and explained that “blocked communication and a lack of reliable knowledge about shared social norms stimulate feelings of exclusion and aimlessness” (2014: 464). They further state that the level of segregation affects the ties and social bonds a community has with each other thus resulting in a high level of anomie. Durkheim believed that society is controlled through the moral power of the social environment and this is fueled by the “common ideas, beliefs, customs and tendencies of societies”
Global urbanization is known to be an ongoing process nowadays, which originates in Western world, but continues to spread in developing world as well and is especially significant in Asia at the moment. In particular, global urbanization is a population shift from rural to urban areas, the gradual increase in the proportion of people living in urban areas . Living in a city provides the residents various opportunities: gives easier access to health care and schools, as well as offers many more job possibilities and better services in general. However, due to widespread rural-urban migration, one out of four people living in a city becomes a dweller of slums instead of living the fulfilling urban life they had anticipated . The slums are settlements, neighborhoods, or city regions that cannot provide the basic living conditions necessary for their inhabitants to live in a safe and healthy environment . In fact, residents of slums live in contaminated, impoverished, dangerous and brutal areas that are arduous to move away from to start a new life in better conditions. Hence, sociologists and anthropologists have argued that slum residents deviate from the morals, norms, and standards of public decency held up by the wider conventional community (Gans 1962; Anderson 1999). In comparison to wealthy city
The contemporary world is becoming urbanized on a day to day basis. There exists a significant relationship amid villages, cities and slums. People relocate to urban areas in search of jobs and good life quality. . Slums have emerged as a result of the urbanism. The paper shall show how slums are recreating the rural village life in the big cities. In addition, the paper shall focus on the concept brought forward Louis Wirth to help show how slums; urban village agrees or disagrees with the concept.
... of owning the property, houses are built all over and unregulated. This leaves residents with lack of basic services such clean or accessible water, sewage, sanitation, medical care, crime protection, fire protection, and several other necessities to a functioning urban development. Without public transportation the inhabitants are very limited with jobs opportunities and a means to get by. Accounting for large percentages of both cities populations, if the slums aren’t taken care of, there only going to get worse. Migrations to both of these cities are rapidly and explosively expanding which is constantly pushing the limits of the infrastructure. The involvement of the private sector is also an important aspect. Without it, the government is left to tackle these problems alone and because of politics and under funding can often take very long to do so, if ever.