Edward Koch Death And Justice Analysis

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Mr. Edward Koch wrote the essay “Death and Justice: How Capital Punishment Affirms life”. Mr. Koch makes the argument that the death penalty is still the most appropriate punishment for certain egregious criminal acts. He suggest that in most murder cases, execution is the only justified punishment in order to atone for the taking of an innocent person’s life. His contention is that only by putting the murderer to death do we as a society assert our intolerance for such heinous acts. Koch mentions his thesis, “Life is precious, and I believe the death penalty helps to affirm that fact.” (Koch -Intro) He states this to say if a convicted murderer is sentence to death they will experience the consternation, like his victim before he killed. Mr. Koch asked a question, “Did their newfound reverence for life stem from the realization that they were about to lose their own?” (Koch -Intro) Edward Koch used this when he mentioned the convicted killer, as he was about to be executed, he made statements to some affect like “Killing was wrong when I did it. Killing is wrong when you do it.” (K...

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