Education is Important for the Country´s Future

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Education. Yes, I agree to a large extent that nothing is more important to a country’s future than education. What is education? Education in its general sense is a form of learning in which the knowledge, skills, and habits of a group of people are transferred from one generation to the next through teaching, training, or research. Although almost everyone are educated, there are some who are not educated. The reason why some of them are not educated is because either their families are too poor to send their children to school or their country happens to face poverty. Therefore, there are a number of people who are unable to go to school. There are several reasons in which education is very important. This essay will examine on the reasons why education is important and the effects of being educated.
Education is important for the country’s future and why is that so? There are several reasons I will like to highlight from. Firstly, education is paramount to a country’s future and that it is important for people to have their education as they will be able to contribute to the society more and that will help the country to grow even more. Secondly, education is important as it will give the people the knowledge of the world around us and also develops in us the perceptive of looking at life. Thirdly, education is important as it will develops people to be more responsible and people who can understand the forms of appropriate behavior. Education will help the people to get ready for their future. It can also help people to define their job objectives that will help them to create skills and abilities. It will hold the keys towards a person’s future and most of the time, an educated person will find it easier to find jobs than th...

... middle of paper ... for their children and want them in the future to lead a happy and comfortable life. But with too much pressure, it will be able to make one go crazy so if you happen to feel very tired, take a break for 5-10mins and do what you enjoy to do. After that, you go back to your studies. Therefore, with these effects of being educated, I hope this will enhance you to work even harder and study well.
Therefore, I believe that education is very important to one’s society and without education, it is difficult to make a living for oneself and one’s family. Look at all the poor and the needy in the world. They do not have enough education and that is why they are on the streets begging for money or even go to the trash bins to find food and drink leftovers. Thus, it is important for us to treasure our time properly while we are still studying and do not waste your life.

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