Education In China Vs Us

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In this day and age, it is not hard to notice that the society is advancing at a staggering speed especially in China, which develop so fast and becomes a developing country already. However, compared with China the U.S. is more advanced than China. For instance, the U.S. which has the advanced technology and better education, these promote the U.S. gets a good development. Yet China and the U.S. both have different core values, it expresses on different aspects, like religions, rights and family values. Not only the national rights in the U.S. more perfect than China, but also the family values for educating children in the U.S. more successful than China. Moreover, the religions in China and the U.S. also have some differences. According …show more content…

Furthermore in China, Buddhism plays an essential role in people’s mind, which represents numinous, spiritual and mysterious. In China, different areas have different temples that people will go there on the first day and fifteenth day each month according to the Chinese calendar. While arriving the temple, people would burn joss sticks to wish the Buddha protect them and also people would make a vow hope the Buddha to help them to come true. Karma, on the other hand, it indicates that when a person does some bad things in his or her life, in the future this person would get some punishment as well, and vice versa. (“Buddhism religion”). So the Buddhist do good things as many as they can do in their life. In contrast, the U.S. has many varied religions. The one of most famous religions is Christianity, which means holy and consecrated. Nowadays almost 77% American people are confirmed that they are Christian while Buddhism in the U.S. just occupied a little percentage. (“Newport, “In U.S. 77% Identify as Christian”). When every Sunday comes, some of Christian people will take the Holy Bible and go to the church to pray and repent. Human go to the church and see the godfather who pass on the essence of the …show more content…

is the U.S. has more individual rights than China. First of all, China is a socialist state, which had have founded constitution for Chinese people. Until now, the Chinese constitutions still need to improve and perfect. Secondly, the Chinese government officers are not only holding many meetings but also discuss the citizens’ rights. Therefore, the Communist Party discusses the people’s primary prerogatives, like belongings rights, fair possibilities, human rights and political rights. The Communist Party hope that the human rights can be enforced and perfect. (William, “Three Decades on, China Puts Focus Back on Constitution”). It exclaims that in China human rights need to improve and it is not seems fair for people. Chinese people cannot judge the government officers what they do freely and also citizens cannot vote for their mayor or president, only government officers can do it. Whereas, compared with China, the U.S.’s rights expresses on liberty, equality, self-government, diversity and unity. (Troolin, “American’s Core Values: Liberty, Equality & Self-Government”). Especially in the U.S. there is the Bill of Rights. It is the first 10 amendments that protect the American people’s rights they have powerful rights to preserve themselves. (“Bill of Rights”). By the same token, the U.S. is a freedom of country, which can give people enough liberty to speak and thinking, also they can discuss the political issues that

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