Eduardo Bonilla-Silva's Racism Without Racists

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The reading Racism without Racists, discussions the views that people in society have today about people with different ethnic backgrounds. Today, a vast majority of people who are of Caucasian descent don’t believe that racism exists. They have this ideal that any issues regarding race is caused by minorities who are “crying ‘racism’ whenever they are criticized by whites”; they believe that if people of different ethnic backgrounds could be successful if they stop thinking about the past, work hard in their life, and complain less about anything regarding discrimination (Racism without Racists, pg.1). Regarding theses claims, the author Eduardo Bonilla-Silva examines the reasoning behind these thought processes, as well as how colorblindness plays a role in it. …show more content…

According to Bonilla-Silva, colorblind racism is the concept that racism no longer existent in society, and that everyone has equal opportunity. An example given to combat the notion of ‘equal opportunity’ was residential segregation. This type of segregation is done through concealed behaviors, such as “not showing all the available units” of housing to minorities because they want white people to live in that area instead (Racism without Racists, pg.3). Another way that people were allocating others was through a form of discrimination called “smiling face”; this is the act of telling people to check back when regarding a job, even though the companies/people that are advertising the jobs are specifically targeting white networks. The result of that treatment directs “highly educated people of color into poorly remunerated jobs or jobs with limited mobility” and less pay (Racism without Racists,

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