Edmond Dantes Inferno

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Have you ever felt alone? Alone like you cannot find anyone to connect with? Well, I have already felt that way. And so did the protagonist in the story, Edmond Dantes. It was very obvious in the movie that it was primarily about revenge. Yet I took the story more on the fact that was stated in the movie that “God is everywhere”. God’s presence with us is one of His greatest gifts to us. In Matthew 28:20, the Lordd said that He is always with us even to the end of age. From the moment of conception up to the moment we die, God is with us. In the movie, Edmond felt alone in Chateu d’If for a couple of years and felt like giving up until he met Abbe Faria, the priest. In life, we may also have the same feeling as Dantes have. We may also feel like giving up on the problems being thrown to us by the world. But just like in Dantes’ case, God never leaves us. He sends help through the people around us like our family, loved ones and friends whom we lean on during rough times. Abbe Faria in Dantes’ situation served as the God-sent help who gave him hope to continue living. Just like in the movie, there is always a reward if we learn to hold on to God’s promises. Since Edmond Dantes hold on to the thought of having freedom back, revenge and treasure, he was able to make it. He got all those. Why?
I’ve been betrayed by my closest friends, I’ve been left, taken for granted and forgotten too by the persons whom I loved the most. I lost what and whom I value the most but I gain Christ. In my darkest and toughest times, I found myself like a baby cuddling in God’s loving arms. Truly, God is everywhere. He’s just letting us do the things we want in accordance to our free will so that we may learn. In every hardship we encounter, we were just like students taking examinations. The Master observes His students as they take exams. Right? In Psalms 139:7, a psalmist said that there is no place you can go where God is not with

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