Ecstasy In Othello's Jealousy

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Does jealousy come from the act of love or is jealousy done in the act of love? While the envy does not have the same affect in “When in Disgrace with Fortune and Men’s Eyes” and “Othello”, both by Shakespeare, the reaction of the individuals when love and envy meet is a point spoken in the literary works. Shakespeare utilizes poetic images drawn from the ideas of time or one’s past, social status, and the nature of each of the works. “When in Disgrace with Fortune and Men’s Eyes” is most successful in conveying the unit’s subject of love and courtship. Sonnet twenty-nine has a transition from a negative to positive tone that contradicts the notion of envy in love with the utilization of various poetic images. In the beginning the speaker …show more content…

A love that seemed so strong, ended as the room went dark. In the last scene, where the love is seen so openly, Othello’s love for Desdemona ends the moment the candle is blown out and that her life is taken. His doubts rose from the handkerchief that not only symbolized the purity and chaste of Desdemona, but also his past. In terms of the past, the handkerchief is meant to have “magical powers”. It signifies this fidelity that Othello’s father had for his mother and that Desdemona would have for Othello. The moment that that “power” was broken, was the moment of no return. Even then, it was not just the handkerchief that arose the insecurities; there was also Othello’s own insecurities. Throughout the play, he was described with animal-like characteristics. While he is a highly-respected general, he is still seen as an outsider. This is exemplified with Brabantio’s reaction to Othello eloping with Desdemona and the overall commentary made on him. Both his easiness to trust and his own insecurities led to his downfall; envy. While it seemed that he loved Desdemona, it wasn’t enough. His transition from a loving husband to a jealous husband depicted the consequences of envy. In the past, Othello was just a guy who fell for it, but now that social life has changed it shows how easy he was to

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