Eating Disorders: Anorexia Nervosa

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Eating disorders are an increasing health issue among not only females but males as well. Over the years the percentage of females with eating disorders has risen from 65 percent to 85-95 percent of the population (Anorexia Nervosa fact sheet, 2009). The percentage of males with eating disorders has increased from about 0.2 percent to 5-15 percent of the population (Boodman 2007). As the days go on, about half of the men and women with eating disorders do misdiagnosed. This is a major problem in the United States and not being diagnosed means no treatment, therefore no treatment means more health deterioration and more health deterioration leads many fatal complications. Eating disorders are serious and there have been many kinds reported and well known around the world. The most important types of eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, pica, and body dysmorphic disorder because these specific disorders are the most common and widely known and are the most widely diagnosed.

Anorexia Nervosa
One of worlds most popular and most often diagnosed eating disorder is anorexia nervosa. Anorexia nervosa is a psychiatric disorder characterized by abnormal eating behavior, distorted body image and an unrealistic fear of gaining weight (Ehrlich 2010). People who have been diagnosed with anorexia nervosa tend to obsess about their weight and what they eat. Many people attempt, and succeed, to maintain a weight that is abnormal of their age and height. To prevent gaining weight anorexics may starve themselves, go on an unhealthy diet and/ or exercise excessively (Mayo Clinic 2012).
Background Information and Cause
Anorexia nervosa usually begins in adolescence, but can develop at any time throughout one’s life. It...

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...overcoming their disease including; Josh, Kayla, Emma.
It is estimated that about eight million people, seven million females and one million males, in the United States alone have an eating disorder. Out of eight million people only about 35 percent get diagnosed and treated. Eating disorders are a huge deal, not just in the United States but everywhere around the world. Many symptoms of eating disorders do not show but there are some pretty obvious ones. If anyone is seen with any kind of eating disorder symptoms they must each help immediately. Eating disorders can get out of hand quickly and before someone knows it, they will be dealing with health deterioration and possibly on the verge of death. The world needs to get out their and help the people suffering with eating disorders, help them realize that they are perfect just the way they are.

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