Easter Island Research Paper

643 Words2 Pages

Thomas Templin
Environmental Studies 1010
Essay 1: Easter Island and the meaning of Diamonds quote. Before humans, Easter Island started out as tropical forest filled with all sorts of trees, bushes shrubs, herbs, ferns, and grasses, but as it became home to humans this had all changed. By the time it was discovered on Easter of 1722 by Jacob Roggeveen the island had already been turned into a wasteland. The people of Easter Island had a highly developed system of damaging any forest, to be used for a food source, firewood, tools, the creation of large statues, and the erection of the statues. Over the centuries of continuing this process they may have noticed that they were running out of resources, but this did not let them change their ways of living. By the time the last trees were chopped down, the islanders had no more options for survival but to turn to cannibalism. The way the people of Easter Island lived is an exact meaning of the concept of the tragedy of the commons. The tragedy of the commons is a theory in which an individual acts in a way to suffice their self-interest, while decreasing a resource for a groups long term important interests. The only …show more content…

Easter Island is Earth writ small”. He is referring to the fact that in today’s world we have a similar problem compared to on Easter Island, though it may not be as serious as to having only one tree left next year. In society today we are experiencing a very rapid growth in our population, as did the islanders. With this increase of people, we are worried about the amounts of resources each person is consuming due to the fact that everyone is trying to meet the needs of their self-interest, and not thinking long term, just like on Easter Island. This problem is no longer happening in one area, it is affecting everyone worldwide, and to me that’s a pretty scary

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