East Of Eden Theme Analysis

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What exactly is a theme? A theme, according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is “a particular subject or issue that is discussed often or repeatedly.” In most cases, a theme is referenced as a moral or lesson to be learned from reading and interpreting a selection. In East of Eden by John Steinbeck, the character Lee demonstrates some of the themes found throughout Steinbeck’s literary masterpiece. The way Lee conducts himself is a way that makes him content with his life and the position he is currently in. The manner in which he conducts himself is one that makes him such a good role model for people to follow, such as Cal and Aron. We will be focusing on the themes that Lee embodies through his words and actions. The first theme that will be examined through Lee is the theme that you do not need to be blood related to be …show more content…

As stated by Lee during his discussion with Samuel Hamilton and Adam, he says, “…the word timshel—thou mayest—that gives a choice. It might be the most important word in the world” (303). This discussion shows the fact that timshel is a forgiveness word of sorts. It also gives people a choice to choose good over evil. One example of timshel being used for forgiveness and used to choose good over evil is at the end of the book, where Adam is on his deathbed and Lee brings in Cal. Lee commands Adam to “Free him! Bless Him!” (602) in regards to setting Cal free over the darkness and evil that has consumed Cal’s thoughts. Once Adam utters timshel, Cal is freed from the thought that he has his mother’s wicked and sinful nature and characteristics. This allows Cal to understand that he has control over his own destiny in a moral sense. As you can see, the most important lesson or theme to comprehend from East of Eden is that people have a choice to choose good over evil and that it can forgive people of past mistakes and

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