Eassy On Golf

644 Words2 Pages

Human life exists on the tightrope of gray between canyons of white and black; balance is vital to life.
My coach says golf is a lifetime project. Success in golf is not something that happens rapidly; rather it happens over the course of numerous years. My inability to understand this concept led to my frequent frustration or demotivation when practicing and playing golf. I was uncomfortable with the uncertainty of the game; I didn't know if my practice sessions were good or bad, and if I were making progress or not. Eager to learn new movements and techniques, I would quickly start swinging at full speed without slowly practicing what I had learned first. What I didn't realize is that, even if I perfected any movement spontaneously, I would still not be a perfect golfer. No golfer is complete, no round is perfect, and no practice session is ever completely successful. With that in mind, I also realized that not being perfect does not mean I am incompetent; rather my golf game will slowly improve, and never stop improving as long as I play. Going to practice …show more content…

I observed that humans were only spectators in those lands. The nature existed independently, perfectly balanced and at peace within itself. I still remember the powerful sun rays in the high altitude illuminating every blade of grass, every mountain top, and every pure lake. However, what I don’t visualize now are the uncontrollable forest fires, toxic fumes released from volcanic activity, and ruthless predators that lurked in the foliage. Who would want to picture such destructive elements that soil the beauty we love? Despite their destructive nature, I realized that these natural occurrences are not undesirable. Rather they are necessary: they maintain balance to allow the nature we love to flourish. It takes a balanced view to appreciate what nature offers

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