Early Childhood Observation

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Assessment Strategies Assessment can take many forms. Observations being one of the most valuable tools used by educators to gain understanding of children. Devereux (2010) explains that ‘Watching children explore and make sense of their world provides valuable insights into their developing competences (p.80) and that ‘Observations can be used for a variety of purposes including assessment, ongoing assessment is an integral part of learning and the development process’ (p.72). Authentic assessment is achieved when assessment becomes part of everyday experiences and observations are used to inform the planning process (Curtis & Carter, 2013). Types of formative / ongoing assessments proposed for the inquiry project include: • Observations – taking notes of students comments and understanding and analysing these observations Burke (2005) confirms when stating “Critical thinking is essential to making sense of observations (pg.3). • …show more content…

Where educators value children’s input, ideas and perspectives. Educators see children as the centre of the learning experiences rather than just a participant. Authentic inquiry approaches give educators and children flexibility within the planning and during learning experiences. The EYLF (DEEWR, 2009) states ‘Active involvement in learning builds children’s understandings of concepts and the creative thinking and inquiry processes that are necessary for lifelong learning (p.33). Inquiry approach to teaching and learning offers many benefits to both children and adults. It allows for meaningful experiences, where children feel included in the process, it builds on their knowledge, interests and ideas. Both families and educators develop an understanding of children developmental progress and thinking. Murdoch (2011) states that ‘Inquiry-based leaning is a natural human activity in which the learner obtains meaning from

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