What can be done to improve ecommerce security
Academic and employability skills
Allan Augustin
[Pick the date]
Contents Page
Introduction 3.1
Discussion 3.2
Ways to improve ecommerce security on internet 4.1
Secure socket Layer (SSL) 5.1
Access control security Measures 5.2
Firewalls 6.1
Encryption 6.2
Conclusion 7
References 8
Introduction 3.1
The purpose of this paper is to present the illustration of different techniques or methods that can be used to ensure e-commerce security. E-commerce is referred as the exchange of services and goods over the internet. In the current era, large number of businesses and organisations are transforming their business operations from traditional to e-commerce business environment (Ngai & Gunasekaran, 2007, p. 45). It is due to the fact that e-commerce business enables the organisations and businesses to increase their revenues while reducing their operational cost. Apart from all of these advantages, various issues are also associated with e-commerce. Security is considered as one of the greatest concerns that are associated with e-commerce. The proceeding paper incorporates the brief yet thorough analysis of the methods that may assist the organisations in improving e-commerce security on the internet.
Discussion 3.2
E-commerce or electronic commerce is nothing more than the trading or retailing of services or products which is usually conducted through computer networks, usually internet (Turban, 2009, p. 90). Though e-commerce depends on various technologies like telephones, social media, mobile devices, e-mails etc, but mainly the operations of e-commerce are based on World Wide Web (Zhang, 2012, p. 232). Therefore, e-commerce may have to face vario...
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Turban, E., Lee, J. K., King, D., Liang, T. P., & Turban, D. (2009). Electronic commerce 2010. Prentice Hall Press, p. 90, retrieved from, http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1816466
Zhang, Y., Deng, X., Wei, D., & Deng, Y. (2012). Assessment of E-Commerce security using AHP and evidential reasoning. Expert Systems with Applications,p. 232, retrieved from, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0957417411013601
In the Engineering and Technology Journal, two engineers, Gareth Mitchell and Guy Clapperton, gave their thoughts on both sides of the privacy issue. Is gathering information violating personal privacy? They made their arguments using currency as a metaphor for personal information and online services a product. Mitchell argues the case that giving out personal information is “too high a price to pay” (Mitchell, 2013, p. 26). He says that despite the option to opt out of cookies and certain information, many sites are more covert and make their opt out option less accessible than a pop up asking to opt out. The site makes it hard for the Internet user to say no to being tracked. Mitchell warns the reader to take more consideration into what information they are giving away and that “privacy is not to be taken for granted” (Mitchell, 2013, p. 26). Getting information from the Internet would mean tra...
The computer is considered one of the most important technological advances of the twentieth century. Security and privacy issues have been in existence long before the computer became a vital component of organizations' operations. Nevertheless, the operating features of a computer make it a double-edged sword. Computer technologies with reliable error detection and recording capabilities, permit the invasion of a supposedly secure environment to occur on a grand scale and go undetected. Furthermore, computer and communications technology permit the invasion of a persons' privacy and likewise go undetected. Two forces threaten privacy: one, the growth of information technology with its enhanced capacity for surveillance, communication, computation, storage and retrieval and two, the more insidious threat, the increased value of information in decision making. Information has become more vital in the competitive environment, thus, decision makers covet it even if it viol!
...e same time, the time has come to raise consciousness, support research and standard-setting, and prepare model codes for those systems that do employ privacy-enhancing technologies. The opportunities for individuals to customize privacy preferences, research should be conducted to evaluate alternative arrangements should be generated. On top of that, the digital applications should provide transparent criteria, including ease of understanding, adequacy of notification, compliance with standards, contractual fairness and enforceability, appropriate choice of defaults, efficiency relative to the potential benefits, and integration with other means of privacy protection. Particular attention should be paid to uniformity of protocols across different industries and applications, so that consumers are not overwhelmed by a pointless diversity of interfaces and contracts.
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Zhao, J. J., & Zhao, S. Y. (2012). Retail e-commerce security status among fortune 500 corporations. Journal of Education for Business, 87(3), 136-144. doi:10.1080/08832323.2011.582191
Cyber Security as an International Security Threat National and International Security is a sum of the actions taken by countries and other organizations that can guarantee the safety and well being of their population. It is vital for a nation to pre-emptively discover what issues could affect their security, and take action to prevent any detrimental or harmful events from happening. With the development of technology and the transition into a more technologically savvy society, cyber security has become one of the most prevalent and important economic and national security issues that the United States will come to face. United States President Barack Obama has identified cyber security as a key issue the nation will face. President Obama declared that the “cyber threat is one of the most serious economic and national security challenges we face as a nation” and that “America's economic prosperity in the 21st century will depend on cyber security (“Foreign Policy Cyber Security,” 2013).”
Papacharissi, Zizi, and Jan Fernback. "Online Privacy And Consumer Protection: An Analysis Of Portal Privacy Statements." Journal Of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 49.3 (2005): 259-281. Communication & Mass Media Complete. Web. 24 Nov. 2013.
In recent times we might consider that the right for privacy in one of our major achievements in our society. Unfortunately the same does not apply for the Internet. The Internet once considered a place for free information exchange and sharing, has the potential has becoming the biggest threat to its users. The commercialization of the Internet is one of the major reasons why the chances of a compromise of our privacy have increased. Customer profiling, address trading or simple lack of care with sensitive customer information are just some of the threats that this commercialization has bought to our ‘free’ Internet. Another reason being that with the increase of threats there is a regular change in technology to counter these threats. These changes make it harder for the already overstrained users to cope with the ever changing technology.
E-commerce, a system by which people can buy, sell and deal without even seeing the person on the other side, has taken a front seat in improving the economy of countries around the world. Technology today has made it possible for monetary institutions to help locate the customers resources and help solve their problems at any given time through online banking.... ... middle of paper ... ...
Moreover, E-commerce has widely recognized nowadays among people. Therefore such data should be secure in databases and privacy of data should be maintained.
Privacy is the condition where someone personal information can not be documented and be used by others (Parent, 1983). Privacy has been and continues to be a significant issue of concern for both current and prospective electronic commerce customers. The foll...
Roos (2008) defines electronic commerce or e-commerce as buying or selling of goods and services over the internet. Electronic commerce encompasses a broad range of informa...
E-commerce or electronic commerce is carrying out business communications and transactions through computers and over networks. It involves buying and selling of goods and services through digital communication. E-commerce also includes transactions on the World Wide Web and the Internet and means such as electronic funds transfer, smart cards and digital cash. E-commerce covers outward facing processes that interact with customers, suppliers and external partners such as sales, marketing, delivery, customer service, purchasing of raw materials and supplies for production.
Security is very important for many different reasons. A nation must insure their safety as a whole, as well as the persons living in the nation. It is equally important that the nation's economy is stable and growing. Security is something that every nation deals with, in many different ways. It is a way that nations come to together and create allies. However, it is also a way for nations to create enemies. There are a variety of concerns that require attention around the world including state security, human security, and economic security. Political and economic relations impact each of these security issues different proven by history and present events around the world.
E-commerce application is a platform where there is buying and selling of products and services which are done by businesses and consumers via an electronic medium, mostly without using any paper documents. “E-Commerce applications support transactions between businesses and their customers. They provide 24/7 customer support, allowing customers to order products, check orders and track shipping, review previous orders, reorder products, and manage their accounts.” (Auburn SeeWolf llc , 2009-2012)