Dynamic Character In Romeo And Juliet

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Juliet was one of the main characters that changed the most throughout the play, this made her a dynamic character. As a thirteen year old Juliet never really thought about marriage, not even after Paris asked her father for her hand. But it was not long after she met Romeo that she started to become a dynamic character. Juliet became very mature, disobedient, and selfish. They did many things that lead her and her star-crossed lover, Romeo to death.
Throughout the play Juliet became very disobedient. Even after she knew that her family and her lover's family were enemies, she decided to marry Romeo. When her parents wanted her to marry Paris, a young wealthy man she responded, " I will not marry yet; and when I do, I swear it shall be Romeo."(3.5.136). This proves that she is disobedient because she talked back to her father, and changed from being calm and respectful to disobedient. Even earlier in the play …show more content…

For example, getting married to Romeo is considered an adult decision. A thirteen year old like her would most likely not get married that young. Another way she shows us maturity is by not caring that he is an enemy, that she still loves him. For example she said, "O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name. Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, And I’ll no longer be a Capulet."(2.2.30). This proves to us that she really loves Romeo, she does not care if he is an enemy, her love for him is real.
In conclusion, Juliet is one of the two main characters who changes the most. She transitions from being obedient to disobedient, makes selfish acts, and becomes very mature. She does many things that a normal thirteen year old would not do, and this proved to us the way she really felt for Romeo. I would consider Juliet a dynamic character, not just because she changed but all the decisions she took just to be with

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