Dyadic Sexual Desire

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Science is not always straightforward, particularly the social sciences that delve into human and societal nature, which often reveals surprising conclusions on human action. Thus, social science research is an integral part of the current examination of human behavior, and it often can go against what people commonly know or claim to know on any given subject. Indeed, social research often contradicts common sense knowledge and what previously was an undeniable truth. One of these common knowledge topics that is challenged by research is that men are more interested in sex than women. RESEARCH The research on the subject of sexual desire is varied and presents several common themes that can be compared, starting with sexual desire. On this subject, it is necessary to differentiate between solitary and dyadic sexual desire. Solitary relates to engaging in sexual activities with oneself, and dyadic is to do it with a partner. This difference is crucial because in the first desire is higher for men, but in dyadic sexual desire, both genders are in …show more content…

Indeed, one research that delves into relationships and men's perception of their partner's sexual desire addressed the male-specific underperception of women's desire (Muise et al. 2016, 739). This means that men who have the role to initiate sexual interactions and maintain the sexual aspects of a relationship related to the perception of desire (Muise et al. 2016: 739). Consistently, in heterosexual relationships, women report a decreased sexual desire in long-term relationships, as they take a more passive sexual role, while men's desire stays constant throughout (Murray and Milhausen 2012: 35). These findings relate to the ideas about sexual relationships of both genders and sexual desire, which makes the notion of desire even more

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