Drunk Driving Research Paper

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Deaths Caused by DUI Every day in the United States, 28 people die in motor vehicle crashes that involve an alcohol-impaired driver. That is one death every 51 minutes.(“Impaired Driving: Get the Facts”) Drunk driving has taken too many lives, and this problem is continuously growing. A death caused by drunk driving not only affects the victim, but also the families and friends of the victim. It only takes one night, one drink, and one decision for drunk driving to cause its life changing damage. There are many solutions to prevent drunk driving, but they will only work if they are strictly enforced. Alcohol-involved crashes are a leading cause of mortality and morbidity in the United States. (McCurley) Everyday, people are injured or killed …show more content…

The driver, George Smith, was a taxicab driver who crashed into a building one night after drinking and driving. (“History of Drunk Driving”) In 1910, New York passed the first law that prohibited drinking and driving.(Staff) Drunk driving is caused by people not making the right decisions. Teenagers would rather drive intoxicated, than to call a parent to come get them because they are afraid of their parents response. Adults drink and drive because they have most likely driven intoxicated before and felt that there is no danger in doing so. The accidents are caused by ignorant people who do not see harm in what they are …show more content…

“History of Drunk Driving.” Drunkdrivingprevention.com, www.drunkdrivingprevention.com/historyofdrunkdriving.html, Accessed 10 November 2017
“Impacts of Underage Drinking.” ScienceLinks, sciencenetlinks.com/interactives/alcohol/ebook/pages/drunk-driving.htm ,
Accessed 10 November 2017
“Impaired Driving: Get the Facts,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, www.cdc.gov/motorvehiclesafety/impaired_driving/impaired-drv_factsheet.html Accessed 10 November 2017.
Ipatenco, Sara. “Why is it Bad to Drink & Drive.” SFGATE healthyeating.sfgate.com/bad-drink-drive-9401.html, Accessed 10 November 2017.
McCurley, John. “Legal Consequences of Drinking and Driving.” Lawyers.com, www.lawyers.com/legal-info/criminal/dui-dwi/legal-consequences-of-drinking-and-driving.html. Accessed 10 November 2017.
Mcknight, Langston, Mcknight, Resnick, Lange. “Why People Drink and Drive,” March 1995,
P.6-7. ntl.bts.gov/lib/32000/32600/32666/808251.pdf
Staff, Educational. “The History of Drunk Driving Laws in the U.S.,” LifeSafer, 22 January 2013,

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