Drunk driving is an extremely dangerous safety risk for not only yourself, but every other person on the roads. As soon as alcohol reaches your stomach, it is distributed throughout your body in the blood stream, and it takes between 20-40 minutes to reach your brain. Once the alcohol reaches your brain it affects your judgement and ability to make decisions which are crucial skills to have when you are driving. Along with drunk driving, drivers must be careful with their drug intake. Although these drugs might just be your average cold medicine, it is important to understand the appropriate dosage and when you are allowed to drive. If your alcohol content is above .08 grams then you are 6 times as likely to be involved in a car crash, and over half of …show more content…
the accidents in the United States are caused by drunk driving. Drunk driving is a serious offence and can ruin the lives of many people. One bad decision made by a drunk driver can lead to a life full of pain for many other friends and families whose loved ones were involved in the crash, whether they were the innocent or guilty.
In the Lives Affected video, it discussed many incidents where the families of lost loved ones discussed the accidents that killed their son/daughter/spouse/fiance/etc. One of the stories talked about a girl who had lost her fiance in a drunk driving crash. Her story was that the drunk driver entered the wrong way onto the freeway and killed her husband. She talked about how much she loved him, missed him, and how she had wanted to start a life with him. Because of the drunk driver making this reckless decision, she lost the chance to ever do these things. Another story was of some grandparents talking about the loss of their 4 month old grandchild. They talked about how they received a call from their daughter telling them that they needed to take care of the kids at the hospital while she attended to the husband. The grandma talked about the grief of having to watch her daughter take her child off of life support and how greatly that affected her. Drunk driving affects all of us. Whether we like it or not, at some point a drunk
driver accident will make it’s way to us like it did to all of these poor people. Drunk driving is extremely irresponsible for those who choose to do it because they are not only endangering their life but the lives of others. As soon as someone dies in a drunk driving accident, it automatically affects all of their friends and family to a great extent. When a loved one is lost in a drunk driving accident, it stays with the family forever, and life is never fully the same without the person in their life.
reported that she had been abducted from a parking lot and raped by a black male ("A.B. Butler").
While drunk drivers who cause injuries or deaths may spend some time behind bars as punishment for their actions, for their victims the accident can often be a life sentence. Drunk driving has lifelong ramifications for those who are injured and who must live the rest of their lives with pain, disability, isolation, medical bills, or the loss of loved ones. While drunk-driving offenders can usually reclaim a normal life after their eventual release from jail, victims may never regain the normalcy that was taken from them so abruptly.
Alcohol is causing too many deaths. Each year, excessive drinking is responsible for the deaths of 80,000 people in the United States, 4,700 of which are young Americans (6). Alcohol by itself is dangerous; this danger is (made greater) when individuals consuming it are allowed to drive a vehicle. Research has shown that a pedestrian struck by a vehicle moving at 40 miles an hour has a fifty percent chance of getting killed as a result of the impact (9). A distracted or impaired driver will not be able to react as fast as a non-impaired driver, meaning a drunk driver is a more dangerous driver than a sober one.
No one can deny that driving drink has caused traffic deaths and injuries. Drunk driving is one of the most frequently committed crimes in the United States, killing someone approximately every 48 minutes. Drunk driving is “A time when humans willingly enter cages of glass and steel that move in such great numbers at such terrific speed, that subtle turn of the steering wheel can easily result in death” (Thomas). What possesses a person to get ...
“Every year, in the United States about 600,000 and ten percent-of all motor vehicle crashes recorded by police department are all due to consumption of alcohol.” In 2003; 42,643 fatalities were caused by vehicle crashes. Of those, 17,013 (40 percent) were alcohol related. The majority people with DUI’s are not alcoholics. “Beer drinking causes about 80 percent of alcohol-related fatalities.” A crash is alcohol related if any driver, pedestrian or passenger involved has any trace of alcohol or there is suspicion of alcohol usage. As the cases of drunk driving quickly increase over a period of time as one of the fast developing public problem, more definite and stricter regulations should be emphasized on books and in the academic world to control such recurring drunk driving offenses.
Effects of Drinking and Driving I’ve never seen drinking and driving on a daily planner or heard anyone say I think I’ll get a DUI today. I have heard people say “it’s my life, and if I want to drink and drive I will”. Well, it’s not just your life that is affected by the results of drinking and driving. When you make that choice to drink and drive you are taking the lives of family, friends, and strangers into your hands. You don’t have to get into an accident and kill somebody for the results to destroy you or someone else’s life. Drinking and driving can be the cause of many traumatic life changing events.
All in all drunk driving is a vice that require to be addressed at the earliest opportune time. This is so because most of the fatal accidents are caused by driver driving under the influence. The worst art of it all is that this problem is preventable though it is the leading causes of loss of lives in our roads and destruction of properties. It requires all parties to exercise caution and restraint while on the roads but above all it is a matter of discipline which if addressed then it goes along way in saving the human race.
Do you know how many people die every day in the United States due to drunk driving? If not, here is the answer, approximately twenty-eight people die because of drunk driving. There is not a day that has gone by without having an auto accident relating intoxicated drivers and no days without an ambulance running on the street with emergency lights on chasing for victims. In 2014, 1.1 million drivers were arrested for driving under the influence and 9,967 people were killed in alcohol related crashes. Alcohol slows down the activity of the person’s central nervous system, including the brain which makes them react slower and reduce concentration while driving. In order for one to drive safe, he/she has to be sober and active without any distraction.
(2014), about 70% of DUI offenders within the age group of 18–25 years drive under the influence of alcohol because they do not have access to adequate information about alcohol and driving. To reduce the number of fatalities associated with driving ignorance regarding the effects of alcohol, driver education will be improved through formal and informal training or community awareness programs. Driver education will also be used as a strategy to increase driver awareness with reference to the dangers and legal implications related to driving under the influence of alcohol. Essentially, this will be accomplished through of information presented in a friendly and attractive manner to the target population (college students) using PowerPoint presentations or
Alcohol is a depressant causing the nervous system to slow down. When the nervous system slows down you lose coordination, reaction time, and you will be unaware of your surroundings. Once you take a sip of alcohol, it enters your stomach through your small intestine. When it reaches the small intestine, the small blood vessels transport it to your bloodstream. The alcohol will soon reach your brain being a depressant to your body. This is when you start to feel intoxicated and your body starts to slow down. Alcohol can stay in one’s body up to six hours depending on what you drink and your weight. (MedicineNet. com, Page
A woman lived a perfect life with her husband and two daughters, a teenager and a child. Their lives were shattered
Alcohol is something that people use to help with multiply different things and some studies have shown that alcohol may help protect our bodies from cardiovascular disease. Alcohol does have side effects to our health the surroundings around us and can cause violence, vehicle crashes and even suicide. Alcohol does have an effect on people that many social drinkers may not realize. Many people usually have tried alcohol around 13 years of age and high school students consume more wine coolers that are sold in the U.S. and they drink more than 1 billion beers a year. To understand the effects of alcohol, it begins with the brain. It is a curiosity as to why people feel the need to drink and drive. The way the brain works while influenced with alcohol has always fascinated me. Drinking and driving is one of the biggest decisions that alcohol leads to. The National Public Services Research Institute (NHTSA) did a study on 600 people who admitted driving while under the influence of alcohol. They described in detail the decisions they made leading up to the occurrence of driving while impaired like whether to take part in a drinking event, how to get to the event, how much to drink, and how to get home. The people being interviewed revealed more than 2,000 individual decisions that led to alcohol impaired driving. The decisions were then broken down into several categories as shown on the graph attached. Little is known as to what leads people to continue to drinking and driving. But as research shows, people do think, prior to drinking, how they will get home. It’s after they have already had been drinking that they decide to get behind the wheel.
Another story from the same video is of another guy also named Chris. Chris was hit by a teenage boy who had been drinking. Chris saw his wife and knew she was dead. He then looked at his three kids in the back. He immediately knew two of them were dead. He had to tell his one surviving kid that his mom, brother, and sister were killed because of a drunk driver. Don't drive drunk. You could be the one who kills families. Don't let anyone drive drunk. You would be as much to blame as the drunk driver. Driving drunk affects both the drunk driver and the
Drunk driving is extremely impactful on the lives of you and others. While drinking and driving, you are not just endangering yourself, you are also endangering the lives of others. The driver of the car does not just control the car with their hands and feet. They need their brain to function properly so that you are able to react to objects on the road quicker and control the car. If you drink then drive/ drink while driving. Alcohol affects your brain in many ways that inhibit your ability to drive. Alcohol will affect your reaction time, it slows your reflexes which decrease your ability to react to objects on the road. It affects your vision, in can impair your color perception, and night vision. It slows down the movement in the muscles in your eye causing your visual perception to change. Alcohol affects your ability to track. You will not be able to judge the position of cars ahead of you, you won’t be able to judge the
Many people in the United States enjoy a drink of their favorite alcoholic beverage. It could be a nice ice cold beer after a hard day of work or going to the bar and enjoying a few shots or mixed drinks with friends. Drinking alcohol is a common way to mingle with friends and take the edge off a difficult day. However, there are dangers involved with alcohol since it does dampen the body’s ability to cope with new information. Alcohol becomes a poison to the body when consumed in large quantities. The biggest danger is not to the driver after they become inebriated, but comes to anyone the drunk driver comes in contact with. A sober person can be dangerous just by being distracted, but a drunk driver’s ability to cope with changing situations and distractions is one of the biggest hazards on today’s roads. Some individuals believe that they are not as impaired as what they are led to believe from government ads and the many videos that show what can happen to someone who is drinking and driving. Although, there are many policies in place to advocate against drunk driving, there are those who would endanger themselves and others with their thoughtless actions when they jump into the driver’s seat of a vehicle. Drinking and driving should never be combined because a person who has been drinking does not have the ability to use all mental faculties unimpaired, many people have been killed, injured, or psychologically hurt by a drunk driver, many men and women do not know the difference weight and gender have on the body’s ability to process alcohol, and the financial and legal trouble that is awaiting for those convicted by a DUI.