Drugs and Substance Abuse in America

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A Turn for the Worst? As the world today continues to increase in different technology, which is said to make a better and also safer society, but are they leading to road of destruction? According to the CASAColumbia organization “More than 1 in 7 Americans ages 12 and older have addiction involving nicotine, alcohol or other drugs (2014).” Meaning at 12 years old one CHILD out of seven would have an alcohol or drug addiction. Substance abuse in America is widely spread, and is definitely getting out of control. The sadness about a substance abuser is that they probably never even dreamed of using any type of drug, but when doors are closing they would kill for a way out, even kill themselves. Most drug addictions initiates in the household, and more spikes in teens have been discovered. The main substances that are commonly abused are alcohol and marijuana. Marijuana has been classified as the “Gateway Drug” meaning that most people start using marijuana first, and as the high isn’t high enough they proceed to the next drug level, which in today’s time is called “Molly.” Molly is basically an extract from the purest form of Meth, and once your hooked, that’s the beginning of a horrible journey. According to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales "In terms of damage to teenagers and to our society, Meth is now the most dangerous drug in America (2012)." Substance users think drugs are the solution, but in reality IT’S THE PROBLEM. While reading the short story “Clean” by Amy Reed I came to a better understanding on substance abuse, and what causes it to start. In her novel Reed portrays ordinary teenagers, then demonstrates how drugs and/or alcohol becomes such a factor in an average teenager’s life. In the beginning of the s... ... middle of paper ... ...substance abuse must continue, and it is imperative that more teens are educated about different substances and their effects on physical, mental appearances. More educational classes are now needed because of the risk of losing an entire generation to the streets and world of drugs and alcohol. The slow but sure takeover of drugs and alcohol is a problem than can be obtained if proper precautions are put into place. If we, as America’s team, act now to stop to the spread of meth, alcohol, and other fast increasing substances, there will be hope for America’s future. Bibliography http://www.casacolumbia.org . Substance abuse. 2014 Reed, Amy. Clean.Oakland.Simon.2011. http://www.newsweek.com . Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. July 18, 2012 http://www.drugfreeworld.org . Substance abuse. 2014 http://www.drugabuse.gov . Drug use graph. 2011-12

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