Drug Searches In Schools

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There has been a lot of controversy about whether students rights are being violated during drug searches. As more drug searches occur at school, more students are asking the question if this is violating there rights. Unannounced Drug searches can keep schools safer but in addition could possibly violate peoples rights. Unannounced drug visits should stay as it keeps schools safer, and it is a deterrent for students to bring illegal substances to school.

Unannounced drug searches keeps schools safe by removing potentially harmful or illegal items from schools. By doing these searches unannounced, students will not be able to hide or remove any illegal or harmful substances. Bonners Ferry high school in Idaho do routine unannounced drug searches. For instance, they found an illegal fire arm in a students locker on a unannounced drug search. This shows that doing this searches could prevent a harmful incident were students could possibly get hurt. By finding the gun and the student, eliminated the threat and kept the school safe. As a result, doing drug searches keeps students safe and out of harms way. …show more content…

This will act as a deterrent because students will know that there locker or property are apt for search at anytime. As being an unannounced search, it will keep it unpredictable for students. As a result students wont be able to hide substances. In addition, drug dogs are 88% correct on finding harmful substances. This shows that the effectiveness of these drug searches alone will act as a deterrent for students and prevent students from bring illegal substance to school. This method is the correct way to keep illegal substances from even entering the

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