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Importance of safety in schools
School safety
Importance of safety in schools
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School searchers have been going on for many years now, and as the years keep passing the searches happen more and more. Schools didn't have many back in the day due to trust in the schools also they didn't have as many drugs around as now a days. I feel that school searches are a good thing to have through out the year and also have them if they have probable cause to search sgtudents lockers. Historically speaking, students searches come about in response to schools such as Columbine, Littleton, and Springfield's sudden acts of violence at these schools. The history of these acts have been based on why were now have more school searches and what our schools need to start doing to keep everyone safe during the school day. " We had used …show more content…
Yes, I do know that even with school searches people bring all types of things on to school campus no matter if they get caught or not. I feel as if the students do have the right to refuse if they are searched or not because the fact of them being a minor and the fact that as a kid we get into places where we don't always know the right answer or way to go so we agree to things we might not understand. I also feel that if law enforcement has to have probable cause the school bored should have probable cause as well. " school officials.... are not required to advise students that they have a right to refuse consent to search .... or rise discipline." (Ellenberger 32) Some schools have all different policy's and rules to telling students their rights to refusing anything because they are dealing with more minors then with legal adults. Secondly, many parents get concerned about their children being in schools that don't have searches. " Parents and students fear that they will be in class with other students who are under the influence." (Robison) The parents and students feel that having school searches will help eliminate the drug and alcohol use in or during school hours. Lastly, most school bored are just looking for a safe environment for their students and staff to come to for eight
... is one that a reasonable guardian and tutor might undertake.” And he concluded that given the mission of public schools, and the circumstances of this case, the searches required by the school board's policy were “reasonable” and thereby permissible under the Constitution's 4th Amendment.
Decision : Reasonable standard held to be proper standard for determining legality of searches conducted by public school officials.
Keller High School principal, Jeff Bradley states, “’We want to take every precaution to keep drugs out’” (Engelland par 5). Bradley sent out letters to the parents of students of Keller informing them of the searches by drug dog. The dogs will search student’s lockers, parking lots, and the classrooms (Engelland par. 6-8). In another article, Mark Walsh addresses the impact that drug dogs have had on schools. He tells how under Florida’s Fourth Amendment understanding, police officers would be free to walk by a car or a student for example and instruct the dog to begin searching (Walsh 21). Walsh tells of how other cases involving dogs will affect schools because if it is permissible for a dog to walk up and sniff anyone that passes by this point in time police will be continually searching without a warrant. This would be a blatant disregard for the amendment against unwarranted searches and seizures (21-2). If this were to continue, dogs could eventually maintain a steady presence in schools, and this would impact schools significantly due to the fact that the police would not be required to leave. Police already hold a high presence, and drug dogs would highly increase police authority
It’s important not to overlook the fact that young people’s privacy is equally as important as anyone else’s. The fact that they’re young students increases the need for student privacy, as our minds can be more vulnerable and fragile. Privacy can ensure feelings of safety and comfort. The first and one of the most important reasons locker searches shouldn’t be conducted is because of how it affects student trust. When students are informed their lockers can be searched at any time, it may give them the impression that they’re not trusted and are doing something wrong, even if that student is completely innocent.
The largest and first assault on the rights of students to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures occurred in the case of New Jersey v. T.L.O. In 1980 at Piscataway High School in Middlesex County, N.J. a few girls were caught smoking in the bathroom. After being brought to the principal's office one of the girls, T.L.O., denied that she had been smoking. The principal then searched her purse looking for cigarettes. After finding a pack of cigarettes the search continued until the principal discovered evidence of drug dealing. This evidence was used to prosecute T.L.O. and ultimately she received a year of p...
The law differs from state to state as the 4th amendment has been modified to meet public school safety. Legislatures decided that there needs to be some modification of the level of suspicion of illegal activity needed to justify a search. They also decided that there's a need for a balanced between the students and the school setting. The 4th amendment has been modified from where you need probable cause and a warrant to...
There are new types of public charter schools that are another form of opportunity inequality because they are almost a public and private school blended together. These charter schools are becoming more popular and their number of students is growing exponentially. A website called uncommonschools.org defines what a charter school is and how their different when they write
According to the National Education Association, at least 100,000 students bring guns to school, 160,000 students skip classes because they fear physical harm, 40 students are killed or hurt by firearms, nearly 6,250 teachers are threatened with bodily injury, and 260 teachers are physically assaulted. These facts are not based on once year, but as every single school day. Could one even imagine what the numbers might look like on scale for a month of school, let alone a whole year? So would starting with searching lockers really be a step to far to try and lower the numbers? Some may think yes due to the school invading the students’ privacy. The majority of people though will say no, doing searches of student’s lockers is not a bad thing. Though there may be a few draw backs to conducting locker searches, the benefit of them far outweigh them. Schools should have the right to do searches of the student lockers because it will deter unwanted things, they have permission under loco parentis, and it would allow administers to make sure for safer schools.
Toronto: Association of School Business Officials International. 2006. Czubaj, Camilia Anne. “A Legal Analysis of School Searches.” Education 115.4 (Summer 1995): 548-551.
The education system has been changing in recent years and the same problems that existed continue to get worse as years pass. Problems that were seen as minor at first have now grown. How to change the public higher education system has been a major topic of discussion but there has still been no major action taken. We struggle to figure out how much funding is needed for higher education and where it should come from. Our people continue to suffer from an underfunded high cost system. The wealthy minority of people continue to be the only ones accounted for and it is time to change this. We need to adapt to the changes and the costs that continue to rise. It is time to help the struggling middle and lower classes. I believe that the best
School searches have a lot of controversy involving the students 4th amendment rights. The schools need probable cause to search, they can't just search anyone's stuff for no reason. it doesn't make the school safer if they are spending all their time searching innocent people. I think that school searches make schools safer if they are executed right because they keep stuff you don’t want your kids taking part in away from the schools.
I’m personally a person who likes their privacy. I like to keep all by myself and I don’t like to be bothered. I am for locker searches though. I feel that if there is a logical reason to suspect any kind of dangerous activities that your locker should be checked. I think that it’s horrible and offensive to get your locker checked and not have anything be found. I think that if lockers are checked the person’s privacy should be protected from other peers. I think all other peers should be in class while a locker search goes on with the specific student.
Although some people think that locker searches are a good thing. Some people think differently. Lockers should not be searched. It invades personal space, It breaks trust, and it creates too much time for the administrators.
Here is an interesting fact; Some school districts are tracking their students. In Texas some schools have started making their students wear tags or carry I.D cards. The schools can find or track the students at anytime they want to wherever they are. The trackers cannot be turned off so they are always tracking the students. All it takes to track someone is enter their tracker I.D number code so if someone were to get one of these codes they could then track the student.
In every school around this country hanging on the walls are posters of great inspiration. They express the significance of what hard work, courage, determination, potential, and rising above and beyond can give a person who has a good education behind them. History books tell of a not so long ago point in time when America had an economy focused on physical labor that produced goods and then turned into a knowledge-centered one geared toward offering services. Looking at American now, one would never be able to guess that for a while education was important. Times changed and it was found that advanced knowledge and creativity was a thing to aspire too. Women fought hard just to be able to have the right to an education. “American politicians and pundits have regularly stressed that education holds the key to the country's future. Everyone seems to agree that good schools are prerequisites for broad economic prosperity, individual social mobility, and a healthy civil society in which informed voters engage in the public issues of the day.” (Mehta)