Driving Persuasive Speech

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Was that one conversation with your friend worth the next one hundred y’all could’ve had? Was finding that certain emoji worth not being able to send it? Were your anger and lack of patience to get to your destination worth not getting there at all? Most people are distracted at least half the time when driving; whether it is a phone, trying to change the radio station, drinking, eating, reaching down into the seat, or simply having a conversation with the passenger. It’s not expected for someone to be absolutely silent when driving. The world doesn’t expect you not to sing to your favorite song and maybe even bounce to the beat of your favorite tune. Yet, people are too often killed or severely injured when our minds lose focus even if it’s …show more content…

According to the New York Times, “15 states forbid teenagers from driving with another teenager; seven states ban them from driving with more than one. Two states, Idaho and South Carolina, restrict teens to driving in daylight hours only” (The Leonore Annenberg Institute). In August of 2012, the State of New Jersey had required drivers between the ages of 16 and 21 to place a red sticker on their license plate which was upheld by the Supreme Court (The Leonore Annenberg Institute). This will notify other motorists that they are teenage drivers and to be aware when traveling within a reasonable distance. With the number of deaths increasing each year at the hands of teenage drivers, the motivation and determination to increase the driving age are at its highest. Barbara Harsha, executive director or the Governors Highway Safety Association, said “she welcomes a debate on raising the driving age. Getting the highest of the high-risk drivers away from the wheel probably isn’t a bad idea.” (CBS 2008) This reiterates not only are teenage drivers not mature enough to manage the responsibility of driving a motor vehicle, but adults in these communities are extremely concerned for the safety and lives of their own children and everyone who travels on these deadly …show more content…

In my opinion, raising the driving age is the only logical answer. Safety first should be the number one priority when getting behind the wheel of a car. Driving is a skill. It has to be taught and practiced in order for the driver to become more proficient at the task. Teens need to be educated, better trained, taught by certified instructors, and instructed on how to handle emergency situations in order to make better decisions behind the wheel. Raising the driving age would combine these skills with the maturity needed to save thousands of lives each year. Teenagers under the age of 18 are not truly responsible enough to be in charge of such a deadly weapon. It’s not physically nor developmentally their fault. Their brains have not fully developed nor have they been taught the skills need to make smart decisions and be responsible. Some teenagers are not even responsible enough to complete their classwork and homework yet the Department of Motor Vehicles deems them capable of making good choices when sitting behind the wheel. This is similar to becoming a parent. Just because you can have a child at the age of 16 does not mean you will be a good parent or capable of raising a child. Being employed at 15, does not mean you will be a reliable, dedicated, and dependable worker. Nevertheless, having the opportunity of getting behind the wheel at 16 does not ensure you will be a safe driver who does not put others at

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