Dramatic Impact of The Color Purple by Alice Walker

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Dramatic Impact of The Color Purple by Alice Walker

The film, ‘The Color Purple’, was released in 1985 and it is based on

the novel published in 1983 by Alice Walker. ‘The Color Purple’ won

nine Oscar nominations and was directed by Steven Spielberg.

The film, ‘The Color Purple’, tells the story of Celie from the age of

13 through to womanhood. The man she thinks is her father rapes her.

She has two children who are both taken away from her. She is forced

to marry an older man. He abuses her and treats her with complete

disrespect. Her husband separates her from her sister and does not

allow Celie to get any mail from her sister.

She then meets Shug Avery and she discovers love and support of women.

It took her many years to break free from the abuse of her husband and

she is finally re–united with her sister and her children.

The themes that are examined in the film are those of hatred through

sexism and abuse, revenge and racism.

Sexism is shown by the way that Celie is not treated equally.

At the time the film was set, 1930’s America, the man ruled the house

and the woman did the housework such as; cooking, cleaning and looking

after the children. Because of this, the woman would never question

their husbands.

Celie is the ideal example of this because Albert is the man of the

house and is in charge and Celie is forced to cook for him, clean the

house and look after the children. Every command Albert gives, Celie


Once Shug Avery is introduced, Albert starts to try to cook for her

but Celie is still the housebound housewife.

Racism and discrimination are also major factors because, again, at


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... shown the anger and determination on her face, which was

chosen to express her emotions.

Another significant camera shot was where we are shown Albert’s neck

with the razor close because it is showing that Celie is no longer the

underdog and that she is now in control.

This extract is significant because it shows how Celie is brought

forward and has the loss of patience to kill Albert.

She is portrayed as the underdog but then is brought into power.

The extract has been dramatised well by Spielberg but it is too short

and if it was made longer and there was more actions shown by Celie

venting her anger more it would show how and what she feels.

Celie is treated as a slave in a ‘free society’ because she is a woman

and this clip shows the overall theme of sexism and Celie’s struggle

to break free from it.

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