Drama In The Elizabethan Theatre

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In the Elizabethan era family, problems existed as they do today. Instead of a television show to broadcast the dysfunction that lies within their last name, family disputes were made into plays that let the country know the “hard life” of being a noble. The Elizabethan era was not an ideal time to live in terms of health, but theater arts thrived and turned London into the mecca for all things theater. The idea of a historical play has changed drastically from the 1600’s, such as King John, to the idea we have today.
During the Elizabethan era illness raked the country, the economy was changing and cities were growing. Under Queen Elizabeth’s reign the Elizabethan time period is often referred to as the golden age (“Daily Life” 181). The bubonic plague took the lives of many and left many living in fear. William Shakespeare lost his brother and sister to the bubonic plague and that became one of his biggest fears (Alchin). Asides from the bubonic plague small pox, scarlet fever and tuberculosis also roamed the streets of Elizabethan London (Yancy 35). With every outbreak of a disease theaters were forced to shut down and actors could not continue their careers (Yancy 35). This led to a mass exit of Elizabethan actors as they left to find work but later came back (Yancy 35). Bathing was not considered a main concern for the general population during the Elizabethan time period (“Time Travelers”).
As the time period progressed the population increased. During Queen Elizabeth’s reign the population went from 2.8 million people to 4.1 million (“Daily Life” 183). London, the capitol, was the largest city with a population of 200,000 people (“Daily Life” 183). Though the population was large nobility was only 3% of the population (“...

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...ces a peace agreement between England and France and John’s son Henry becomes King (Alchin).
A historical play is a dramatization of an event that actually happened so it is directly related to the time period. King John was directly influenced by the royals. King John was trying to recreate the time where this royal family reigned and the arguments that happened.
In the Elizabethan Era England flourished. Asides from the diseases that blanketed the country it was very much the golden times for England. As the theater arts still excel in England it all dates back to the Elizabethan time period and the unspoken leader William Shakespeare. The advancements in theater during this time period set the stage, literally, to only be improved to what we have today. There is no telling where England would be or where theater itself would be without this crucial time period.

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