Dr. Moore Journey Analysis

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I would like to think that the most influential factor in his journey was faith. During his season of despair and failure, Dr. Moore stepped away from God. I do not think that failure was a punishment for lack of devotion or quite time. I think that when Dr. Moore decided to put more emphasis and attention on to his studies rather than keeping a balance with his attention to God, he lost his source of life. On page 41, Dr. Moore addresses a desperate prayer and supplication: “Dear God, please make me an engineer!” It was at this moment that he first realized that he couldn’t do it alone. In Matthew 11:29-30, it says that God will give us rest and Dr. Moore really needed it. In Philippians 4:6-7, it says “Do not be anxious about anything, but …show more content…

When Dr. Moore understood that and incorporated God into his journey and into his every decision he was successful. We see that he succeeded in his classes, he was able to work and study, he got his MBA and his MSMOB, and even when encountered a wilderness stage he still managed to move forward (66,77,88). Dr. Moore state that “A faith-walk with God…can force you to question everything…you’ve ever known” (92). Walking with God was the only way Dr. Moore was able to succeed. His effort alone only got him dropped out of GMI, his education, experience, and MSMOB got him ridiculed and obstructed him from getting tenure, but when God was in the picture all things worked out, maybe not the way Dr. Moore thought, but the way things needed to be. Faith was a vital tool Dr. Moore used to gather strength when he thought he has going to lose his job, when he lost his mother, and so many other moments. Faith was something he used when things were going great and when things seemed hopeless, and I would dare to agree with Dr. Moore in that walking with God is extremely difficult, but it is also source of life, joy, and peace for every

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