Everyone dreams of being a hero however the path is narrow. The mantle of responsibility is important aspects and the presence of the heroic traits must be shown in some form. However, there will always be outliers and deemed delusional who attempt to be heroes. In Watchmen, Moore creates an omnipotent hero who lacks humanity in the portrayal of the Dr. Manhattan as a psychopathic anti-hero.
Dr. Manhattan can be considered one of the powerful superheroes, however he is deemed as a psychopath because his lack in ability to maintain relationship with everyone whom he surrounds himself with. His relationship with Janey Slater represents the deterioration of his humanity left in him after the accident. He is unable to maintain his relationship
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with her and during the course of their relationship before he meets with Laurie Jupiter, the rift in-between Janey and him slowly begins causing the unstable relationship to increase. He slowly loses connection in which she states as if there is a bubble around her (Chapter 4, Watchmen). Following up with Laurie Jupiter, the relationship between begins to fade as she realizes that Jon lacks the ability to love another person. When Laurie and Jon were making-love, she realizes Jon put his focus more into his work then being with her. (Chapter 3, Watchmen), This shows that as the present time occurs, he no longer knows how to show affection to his lover and does not see them as part of his daily life, rather a hindrance to his scientific research. The Comedian and Dr. Manhattan share an interesting relationship. As they were both deployed overseas, they understood their roles as agents of the government and committed inhumane atrocities. The comedian states that Dr. Manhattan is drifting out of touch. (Chapter 2, Watchmen). Even the Comedian who is a brute is stating that Dr. Manhattan lacks compassion for anyone even though the comedian shot the bullet out of wrath. Hence, Dr. Manhattan’s humanity is fading results in the lack of stability in maintaining relationships. Even though Jon has considered the most qualified to be a superhuman, he lacks a code which limits his omni-abilities. Jon lacks morality in a sense of sacrificing of other in order to maintain peace. Dr. Manhattan attempts to coerce his colleagues about maintaining silence for the greater good (Chapter 12, Watchmen). Considering Dr. Manhattan being omniscient he could have saved everyone from the destruction of Ozymandias’ grand plans. Rather he understands the principle of sacrificing for the greater good but attempting to manipulate his colleagues in a justifiable manner. Dr. Manhattan needs the “no kill policy”. If he possesses the policy, he would need to have more hope and creative to solve situations rather than just murdering to solve his issues. Dr. Manhattan simply disintegrates those who opposes his will even if he has a relationship with them. Rorschach was one of the many individuals killed by Dr. Manhattan; when he opposed and attempts to tell the world about the hoax played on the entire world (Chapter 12, Watchmen). The murder of Rorschach shows his lack of compassion for those who believe in hope of the world. Without the lack of ethics and codes, he becomes a puppet of the government. Jon doesn’t fight for the oppressed or for the weak, rather he fights for the government whom they deem as enemies. The government official blames Ms. Juspercyzk for losing their strategic superiority (Chapter 3, Watchmen). If there was ethics and codes, he would ne be easily be controlled by the government. Rather he would have his own will and act upon his own judgement. Therefore, Dr. Manhattan needs a set guideline for himself to benefit humanity and for himself. Dr.
Manhattan lacks social skills and can be even considered as an anti-social. Dr. Manhattan is rather incompetent when dealing with society. He doesn’t know how to properly address mobs and uses his power to run away from them. When defending the Whitehouse from angry protestors, Dr. Manhattan orders protestors disperse which resulted in people suffering injuries (Chapter 4, Watchmen). The situation could have been handled much better by trying to be civilized, rather than sending protestor back to their homes. Dr. Manhattan rarely interacts with the world and lacks emotions in special events. When learning about the Comedian’s death, he shows lack of remorse for a fallen comrade and does not seem to care for the situation (Chapter 1, Watchmen). Thus, Dr. Manhattan is anti-social because the methodology of deal with society and his surrounding in the Rockefeller Military Research Center.
Dr. Manhattan is a god-like being who is calloused and identified as a madman pretending to be a superhero in Moore’s Watchmen. He is considered as a psychopath due to his anti-social behaviours, lack of hero’s code and the inability to maintain relationships with people around him. When humans achieve being an omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent being, we become disconnected to one’s
People have goals everyday, believe it or not some people think that dreams aren't worth it. I believe that it is worth it to dream because it gives a person a goal, it makes them feel good, and it makes them stronger. I know this from The Pearl, A Cubs video, the Susan Boyle video, and We Beat the streets.
In the genre of western films, the hero plays a key role. Humanity portrays civilization overcoming the hostile country (Miller 66). In many films the American civil war is over, and people have turned their attention to more constructive pursuits. Battling nature to progress America's future, rather than each other. In between this wild country, fraught with danger and corruption lies the role of the hero. A hero is an individual with exceptional skills and through his abilities is able to rid a stricken town of the corrupt elements within. In many cases however, the hero's skills are not enough. His relationship with the community can define how successful his help can be.
Derek Vinyard is a character in the film American History X. He is a great example of an anti-hero. Before prison, Derek Vinyard character is really unlikeable and he is sickening. He was a true definition of a villain. He is a former neo-Nazi who organizes crimes to destroy families and humiliate people. He even treats his own family with disrespect, such as in a scene where he grabbed his sister by her hair and shoves food down her throat. Later he spent three years in jail for man slaughtering two black men. He shot one and the other, he brutally curb-stomped to death outside his house for trying to steal his truck. In prison, he becomes friendly with a black inmate and was rapped by members of the Aryan Brotherhood. Upon release from prison,
Many human beings contain opposite forces within him or herself; an alter ego that hides behind one’s polite facade. In the novel, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde are in fact a single character. It is not until towards the end of the novel that the two personas seem nothing alike. Dr. Jekyll is the well-established, moral, doctor and Mr. Hyde is a nefarious weird looking man whose appearance looks so strange that it is hard to explain. Their relationship involves a complicated dilemma. While it is true dr. Jekyll appears to us as a moral and courteous man, he does not exemplify honor and integrity the way that Hyde exemplifies evil. Although Jekyll engages in in the experiment to attempt to isolate the good
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde both suffer; however, one from illness and the other from insanity. Mr. Hyde is a sociopath, and lives in it to the full extent as well as Jekyll being a psychopath. However, Hyde was created the way he was to portray a sinful side of Jekyll, while Jekyll was himself throughout, good and bad, to manipulate and gain in the harm of
... immensity of its horror finally makes him drop the pretense of knowing detachment he has held for so long. As he drunkenly sobs, “What’s funny? What’s so goddamned funny? I don’t get it” (Ch. 2, 23) his lurking humanity becomes evident. The subtly of interplay between The Comedian’s persona, his humanity, and even his hypocrisy strongly support his status as a living person alongside Dr. Manhattan.
Those who admired Machiavelli’s “might is right” concept and ruled with an iron fist along with a nation behind them. Examples being Adolf Hitler and Julius Caesar who felt no empathy or regret for their cruel actions. The political and social leaders, such as William Shakespeare who convinced the world to believe in his work without anybody being aware of the messages. What makes a psychopath unique is what distinguishes him from non-psychopaths. The lack of the feelings that make us all human, truly making them nothing but exceptional. When a psychopath is given power and the right to leadership the abnormal-astonishing mind has the capability to either force great things happen, or the destroy these great things. After living in a world that these great figures have ruled, it seems any average mind in power can not fulfill the legacy left from the supreme psychopathic minds in history. The average mind will never be able to achieve the level of knowledge reached by a psychopath in power, because knowledge is power. With the ability to block out human emotion, and use your natural mind in ways that are impossible for others makes psychopaths the true superman race in society. A psychopathic leader, is the strongest type of
Bateman is not just a nihilistic killer devoid of feelings or emotions. There is something inside of him that yearns for something more than what is just on the surface. Admittedly, this wanting is severely misplaced through murder, rape, and torture. By creating a character like Jean, however, the author is able to show Bateman’s caring, sincere reactions to her–something the film does not quite convey. American Psycho is not just a satirical take on a superficial Wall Street society, but it is also a tragedy. Recreating the dinner scene with Jean shows that underneath the surface Patrick Bateman is, indeed, a human being with real feelings and emotions. Therein lies the great tragedy that this superficial society has turned him into a monster.
Dr. Jekyll is an English doctor who was prosperous, very handsome and a distinguished man who was well respected in the community. Dr. Jekyll is a man that appears moral and decent and enjoys doing charity work, however Dr. Jekyll seems to struggle with the good and evil within himself. Most of his life he tried to repress his evil urges in they did not fit a man of his stature. In trying to hide his hidden evil he creates a serum to hide or suppress his evil. In doing so he ultimately transforms in to Mr. Hyde. "O God!" I screamed, and "O God!" again and again; for there before my eyes-pale and shaken, and half fainting and groping before him wit his hands, like a man restored from death-there he stood Henry Jekyll!
Did you know that the Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde came to be because of a nightmare? In the year of 1886, Robert Louis Stevenson had a nightmare that he visualized a man changing into a monster by taking a concoction made with white powder. The next morning he began to write and came up with the character Dr. Jekyll who had two sides to him. The good and evil side which were Dr. jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Throughout the book it shows the changes between this character and how the people around him would experience these changes.
Robert Louis Stevenson’s, Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, creates an atmosphere of constant suspense and perplexity. The context of the book promotes an intriguing plot that highlights a man with a struggle between his dual identities, one of these being Dr. Jekyll whose intentions are essentially for good, and the other being Mr. Hyde whom Jekyll is attempting to prevent from overtaking him completely. The exploration of this “dual identity” is truly the main aspect of what Stevenson tries to convey towards his readers. This thriller portrays the uphill battle Jekyll faces as he fights the inherent evil nature of man, the multiplex personality that enslaves him at times, and the uncertainty of the way that he perceives himself all contribute to the rise of Mr. Hyde and his reign of evil.
Hughes-Hallett states in her book “Heroes, Saviors, Traitors, and Superman: A History of Worship” that “Virtue is not a necessary qualification for a hero status’ a hero is not a role model” which makes perfect sense, though a statement made by Jicky Martin is just as favorable: “Heroes represent the best of ourselves, respecting that we are human beings...” (Martin n.pag.). To explain, the individual which inspires the story need not be virtuous or all good, but that which is the best qualities and all the strive to become instead is the hero and the role model. The desired qualities for a hero can be met while the person may deviate from the model simply because the hero is the potential and the person is the reality behind it. Based on this, the chosen meaning of hero is now in conflict with the definition: “a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities”, or is it? If a hero is an ideal image of one’s self, than the hero can follow the statements while achieving the true purpose of a hero to inspire others in the same way Batman inspires many but Bruce Wayne need not be an inspiring as the image he creates. Therefore, Ricky Martin, Lucy Hughes-Hallett and the Oxford definition may all coexist to paint the image of a hero that functions as a hero should: achieving outstanding things, being courageous, and having good morals while being imperfect. With the comparison of a hero’s desired traits and the explanations and definitions found, one can find exactly what a true hero is meant to
Sometimes, there are some books that have such intriguing characters in them, that captivate the reader, and make him wonder. Such character is Dr. Stockmann from ‘An enemy of the people’, by Henrik Ibsen. However, to understand the complexity and richness of this character, first one must know the plot of the story. Dr. Stockmann is a doctor that lives in a Norwegian city, whose main attraction are the ‘Baths’. They bring a lot of money to the city, but he is not certain of their healthy quality. So he makes a research and finds out that the ‘Baths’, as he had suspected, are unhealthy for the people. Then, he decides that the right thing to do is inform his townspeople of the polluted water, and protect them. However as it turns out, not everyone is in favor of this discovery, especially his brother, the mayor, who successfully turns everyone against him. Throughout this ‘battle ‘between him and the town, and the way he handles the situation, some traits of Dr. Stockman’s personality, come out. As he is presented in the book, Dr. Stockmann is naïve, selfish and moral.
The setting and environment of the book also symbolizes how Mr. Hyde and Dr. Jekyll are different as well. Dr. Jekyll lived in an upper middle class neighborhood but there was a backdoor leading to a dangerous street. Soho is described with a negative description its “... a district of some city in a nightmare.” In the chapter of “The Carew Murder Case”(15) Stevenson compares it to a nightmare while your sleeping. He emphasizes that duality is everywhere not just within human nature.
The Lone Ranger, Zorro, Batman, Superman are some of the characters that we stereotypically constitute as heroes. They are known to fight with courage without fear of death. They destroy the enemy within a blink of an eye. They fight using their own body strength, superpower, or some kind of weapon. They come to the rescue miraculously and leave without a trace. They are mysterious. We are unable to identify who they are underneath the masks and disguises. Yet, we praise them and ignore the real heroes that surround us regularly, ordinarily. “All of us …like to believe that in a moral emergency we will behave like the heroes of our youth, bravely and forthrightly, without thought of personal loss or discredit” (O’Brien 39). In other words, we are quite oblivious to the ordinary people of the world that are, in fact, the true heroes.