Dove Beauty Sketches

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Dove soap is much more then a simple bar of soap. Dove’s products are made to help individuals find their internal beauty, something that soap can’t wash away. Leading a happy healthy life depends on one’s happiness and self-confidence. With more then “80% of the world unhappy with their appearance”(Ross), this topic is a hard one to tackle. This Dove commercial shows that self- confidence and finding one’s inner beauty leads to a happier life filled with love and bliss.
Dove is a soap company that has made a wide variety of different products such as hair care, body wash, and deodorant. According to their website, Dove’s goal is “[to build] positive self-esteem and [to inspire] all women and girls to reach their full potential. 
[Making sure to build] a movement in which women everywhere have the tools to take action and [to] inspire 
each other and the girls in their lives” (Dove). The symbol for dove is a dove bird. This bird is a symbol for serenity and beauty and well as elegance and grace.
In the commercial men and women, old and young are brought into a large room. The room is divided into two sections. From the camera’s position, ordinary people sit to the right of the curtain and a FBI sketch artist sits to the left. The sketch artist, named Gil Zamora, was trained at the FBI academy in 1993. He worked as a police artist from 1995 to 2011.
As the commercial begins, a woman with long blonde hair, named Florence, begins to speak to the camera. She tells us what the group was told to do prior to the interview. She says, “ I showed up to a place I had never been and there was a guy with a drafting board. I didn’t know what he was doing but then I could tell after several questions he was drawing me.” The artist doesn’t s...

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... than you say?” This is the final question posed to the audience. Throughout the ad, Dove portrays the idea of being happy with your beauty. We see that soap can’t wash away what we are given but it can help you find your true beauty. We are reminded that we are our harshest critics and that this self-criticism can unfairly impact the choices we make. Finally, we are challenged by this realization to look at our “weaknesses” as strengths and to live the happiest and most free life that is possible.

Works Cited

"Dove." ® Skin Care, Hair Care, Body Cleansers, Lotions & Beauty Tips. Dove, n.d. Web. 05 Dec. 2013.
DoveUnitesStates (Poster). “Dove Beauty Sketches”. Youtube. Youtube. Nd. Web. 8 December 2013.
Ross, Carolyn C., MD. "Why Do Women Hate Their Bodies?" Psych Psych Central, n.d. Web. 09 Dec. 2013.

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