Doping In Sports Essay

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“Fans have created such high expectations for athletes that success seems to require steroid use for any sport requiring speed, power or a combination of the two.” (Schmidt) Doping in sports is when athletes use enhancement drugs to try to improve their performance in their sport they are in. If athletes believe they need to improve their performance, they should be able to use PEDs. Doping in sports should not be considered a transgression; it should be used to help improve sports to make them better for the athlete. In the past, doping in sports wasn’t frowned upon.
Numerous athletes already use performance-enhancing drugs. “Everyone’s enhancing, it’s a reality that we should embrace.” (Allenby B.4) Athletes would be on the same playing field if everyone used some sort of PED. A majority of athletes use some sort of PED to help them improve. In South Florida, even high school athletes are using these drugs and their parents are encouraging it. “It’s about making sure that your child has every advantage whether it is legal or illegal.” (Shipley A.1) A variety of athletes a...

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