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Donald Trump has been nearly immune to criticism. The only time Trump ever suffered significantly in the polls was when Hillary ultimately secured the requisite number of delegates to push Bernie Sanders out, to become the presumptive Democratic nominee. With former Sanders supporters beginning to coalesce around Hillary, she managed to get a bump in the polls following a stinging speech attacking Trump. To make matters worse, Trump flapped his mouth, attacking the judge presiding over the Trump University case. Trump proceeded to make what were perceived as racist comments regarding the judge because his parents were of Mexican descent.
For the first time, Trump’s ratings fell; and that precipitously; he dropped nearly 10 percentage points. People within his party, who had previously endorsed him, were rescinding those endorsements because of his racist comments. Trump was in trouble, but providence would again prevail.
A gunman claiming allegiance to ISIS walked into a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, killing 49 people. Suddenly the LGTB community was face to face with a reality that Republicans had espoused for a long time: Islam — and especially radical Islam — is no friend of the gay community. Trump doubled down on his Muslim ban, as the gay community stocked up on guns of their own for protection. Here was the perfect tragedy. It helped firm up the support of his base, and moreover opened up at least tacit support from the other side of the aisle. During the Republican Convention, a very successful businessman — who just “happened” to be gay — was featured. Before the convention had concluded, the GOP would give the LGBTQ community a standing ovation, no less than three times. Trump gained some of the ground he had lost...
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...did not just “happen” to show up when He did. It was at an exact time — a fulfillment in the fullness of time. In fact, Daniel himself prophesied of exactly when it was that Jesus would ride into Jerusalem on a donkey. Galatians 4:4 says, “But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son” (NIV). Neither did Donald Trump suddenly show up. God, in His grace, waited until the time had fully come. We have — again — reached the fullness of time. The wrath of God has been kindled against man, and soon His fury will be unleashed. If you still have not given your life to Christ, don’t wait. The Bible says, “Today is the day of salvation.” If you want to know how to be saved — to become a Christian — turn to the chapter towards the end of this book right now, entitled, “An Anchor of Hope for Mankind”. Don’t wait. Time is filling up. The glass ain’t half-full. It’s full.
September 11, 2001 was a day that Americans and the world for that matter will not soon forget. When two planes went into the twin towers of the World Trade Center and two others went into the Pentagon and a small town in Pennsylvania, the world was rocked. Everyone in the United States felt very vulnerable and unsafe from attacks that might follow. As a result, confidence in the CIA, FBI, and the airlines were shaken. People were scared to fly after what had happened.
9/11 was one of the most devastating events in American History. Four hijacked passenger airplanes killed almost three thousand people. 9/11 changed millions of lives forever. American Citizens didn’t feel safe. This attack was a wake-up call to American security. 9/11 forced the country to acknowledge its shortcomings and fix them, before any more harm could come upon the United States of America. 9/11, as all acts of terror do, promoted the growth of technology, in this case, security in the United States. 9/11 also brought about feelings of hatred to the country. The United States soon became known as one of the most intolerable nations on this planet. Lastly, 9/11 butchered the economy and forced it down a long road to recovery.
War is not a cheap man’s game. At the core of every nation sits an economy comprised of varying wealth and resources. A nation’s prosperity is dependent on its economic fortitude. In a constant state of fluctuation, economic prosperity is often fleeting, with a single event capable of causing economic turmoil for decades to come. The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 acted as a catalyst for economic change in the United States. The attacks presented isolated economic desolation, but the growing concern for security and the war on terror provided the greatest economic impact for the United States and the world.
In the past decades, the struggle for gay rights in the Unites States has taken many forms. Previously, homosexuality was viewed as immoral. Many people also viewed it as pathologic because the American Psychiatric Association classified it as a psychiatric disorder. As a result, many people remained in ‘the closet’ because they were afraid of losing their jobs or being discriminated against in the society. According to David Allyn, though most gays could pass in the heterosexual world, they tended to live in fear and lies because they could not look towards their families for support. At the same time, openly gay establishments were often shut down to keep openly gay people under close scrutiny (Allyn 146). But since the 1960s, people have dedicated themselves in fighting for
People of LGBT community keep on facing numerous discrimination and hatred from our society throughout their life. Our society is often unknown and ignorant about the right of LGBT community, therefore, confused about how to respect or welcome them into our society. Because of our unfamiliarity and of lack of knowledge about this LGBT community, sometimes, our occasional effort to respect this community turns into a discriminatory statement towards that community. For instance, our president Donald J. Trump’s statement on LGBT society just points a finger on us of how much we actually know about this society when he states, “There can be no discrimination against gays. I’m against gay marriage”. It shows how confuse we are about the rights of LGBT society that even our president couldn’t make it clear whether he is against discrimination or against the equality of this particular society. There are several other instances when our view on this society as a monstrous one creates many societal discriminations. In many instances, LGBT couples don't offer to enjoy the societal advantages like any other opposite-sex married couples, and consequently, go through several societal discriminations and denied many societal rights and justices. Furthermore, in
In 1973, one of the most influential reports to ever come out of the fire service was created. This report would change the fire service forever and still to this day have a great impact on the way things are done in the fire service. One of the most impacted sectors within the fire service is the way firefighters perceive and implement fire prevention strategies and techniques. This report was called “America Burning” and was published by the National Commission on Fire Prevention and Control. The report was sent directly to the president of the United States of America, who at the current time was Richard
Somehow and somewhere they received the message that the lives of gay people are not as worthy of respect, dignity and honor as the lives of other people (HRC 3).
Discrimination has always been prominent in mainstream society. Judgments are quickly formed based on one’s race, class, or gender. The idea that an individual’s self-worth is measured by their ethnicity or sexual preference has impacted the lives of many Americans. During the early colonial period, a social hierarchy was established with white landowners at the top and African-American slaves at the bottom. As equality movements have transpired, victims of discrimination have varied. In the late 1980’s when Paris is Burning was filmed, gay rights were still controversial in society. The lack of acceptance in conventional society created hardships in the lives of transgender women and gay men.
The Life and Legacy of Donald Trump Donald John Trump was born in Queens, New York on June 14, 1946 (Ask Men 3). The fourth child of Fred and Mary-Anne Trump, Donald was born into wealth and prosperity. His family operated a profitable New York real estate developing company, specializing in middle-income housing, Elizabeth Trump & Sons (Biography 2). Trump was an energetic child and was sent to military school during his teen years to learn to disciple (Ask Men 5). He succeeded at The New York Military Academy and became a star student, football, baseball, and soccer player (Encyclopedia of World Biography 2).
Last year, people voted against the establishment again. They overwhelmingly voted against another president with the surname Bush or Clinton and elected a man with no political experience. Donald Trump was elected to reject political correctness and stand up for the middle class.
And multiply it by millions. This crisis of the spirit creates an expanding circle of responsibility. Individuals are responsible to love our neighbors as we want to be loved ourselves.”(2). A powerful message with a darker side if you have a sexual orientation other then heterosexuality, or a gender identity that does not match the outwards appearance. He also goes on to say “parents must understand that being a good mom or dad becomes their highest goal in life.”(2).“Some national studies suggest that as many as 40 percent of the nation’s homeless young people identify as LGBT — with most youth running away from or being kicked out of their homes by parents who have rejected their sexual orientation or gender identity.”(3). Not once did the Bush administration enact a law protecting homeless LGBT youth. Not once did he give a press conference saying this is not right something has to change. No, George W. Bush sat back and watched as struggling LGBT teens suffered without a loving family and an accepting place to call home. “Homelessness and poverty are paramount issues for the LGBT community, made even more challenging by a lack of resources and an historic dearth of care, interest or simple awareness by government and social services agencies.”(3).“Bush 's instinct on gay-rights issues was clear and emphatic: Do not touch them.”(1). There were no special departments or sectors created for LGBT
Early Sunday morning, June 12, 2916 in Orlando, Florida a terrorist shot and killed forty-nine people and wounded fifty-three. The people were gathered at a night club and many were members of LGBT community. There was an immediate reaction from the
After 9/11, drawings of bin Laden being anally penetrated showed that the American public’s way of retaliation is to “emasculate” him through sodomy and to “turn him into a fag”. In Jasbir K. Puar and Amit Rai’s “Monster, Terrorist, Fag: The War on Terrorism and the Production of Docile Patriots”, they discuss why this kind of behavior, in a country depicted as feminist and gay safe, is accepted as an appropriate reaction to terrorism. To start to understand this, an examination of U.S. policies is needed. Queer studies should pay attention to current US-led international politics because it is a reproduction of the oppressive sexual and racial discourses that were used against other marginalized groups in history.
For the past decades, language has evolved into a number of meanings and phrases. The human language has been used to convey information and give orders. Language has built an unlimited number of phrases and sentences, and has converted words into meanings. However, having the ability to reshape language even a little bit is an extraordinary power. For the past year, President Trump has been reshaping the English language by rebranding the news to fake news.
When one hears the words “LGBT” and “Homosexuality” it often conjures up a mental picture of people fighting for their rights, which were unjustly taken away or even the social emergence of gay culture in the world in the1980s and the discovery of AIDS. However, many people do not know that the history of LGBT people stretches as far back in humanity’s history, and continues in this day and age. Nevertheless, the LGBT community today faces much discrimination and adversity. Many think the problem lies within society itself, and often enough that may be the case. Society holds preconceptions and prejudice of the LGBT community, though not always due to actual hatred of the LGBT community, but rather through lack of knowledge and poor media portrayal.