Don T Get Me Started On Mobile Phones

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Don’t get me started on mobile phones. I extremely dislike mobile phones. I actually hate mobile phones that they are driving me crazy. They are addictive, irritating and disturbing. They cause people to use colloquial vocabulary and affect their social life. Mobile phones have negative effects on our health and I will be writing about what they are. Unfortunately I would like to start off how mobile phones cause people to use slang .I was messaging my friend and I wrote “Hi, how are you?” She replied saying “wuu2”. Since when was “what you up to” know to be like that? Didn’t she have 30 seconds more to write it in a better way? It’s as if she thought she had somewhere more urgent to go. Despite the fact that it could save her time, I totally agree that it is not good to use slang …show more content…

Mobile phones are like chocolate: the first time you get your hands on one, you’re addicted. Our phones can do so much these days, that some people have trouble tearing themselves away long enough to reconnect with the real world. I always see phones, phones, phones everywhere; I see people with them around town, on public transport and in stores, with their eyes and fingers glued to their mobile devices. Jacqueline Leo stated that “one look at an email can rob you of 15 minutes of focus. One call on your cell phone , one tweet , and one instant message can destroy your schedule, forcing you to move meetings , or blow off really important things , like love and friendship”.He is saying how mobile phones could separate people away from each other. So I was at my cousins house last week and I was sitting on the sofa, the only thing I was doing was to pretend that I was texting one of my friends on my phone because if I put my head up I would have been staring at people with their heads down messaging people on their phone. Don’t people have their own time to text whoever they are going to

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