Domestic Violence In The Film 'Good Will Hunting'

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1.When a youth goes through suffering (ex. domestic violence, abusive relationships, etc.), numerous complications emerge throughout their development. They may be consumed by irritability, suspicion, and trust issues and have behavioural patterns, including paranoia, dishonesty, and impulsive behaviour. Others develop personality disorders similar to PTSD. The long-term effects of child abuse are also shown through the movie character Will Hunting who suffered child abuse in foster care and now is an impulsive man who refuses to reach out for help. Although, there are exceptions for negative development in those who have experienced childhood trauma.

2.As a result of the factors that impact violent behaviour, including liquor, brutal threats and a violent history there are numerous abuse and mistreatment studies regarding youth who experience domestic violence at a young age and how this brutality causes future behavioral problems. Similarly, Villani and Sharfstein research aggressive teenager inclinations that influence adulthood, and they associate behavioral disorders to violent kinds. In the movie Good Will Hunting, Will is a perfect example of how abuse is a source unmanageable rage. For example, Will makes excuses for physically assaulting a bully who beat him up in elementary. In the fight scene, Will’s companions pull him off the antagonist because Will harshly strikes the bully’s face. …show more content…

For example, impulsive Will Hunting confronts a man at a bar and asks him to solve his argument with his friends through fighting. This scene clearly demonstrates how he resorts violence, not through conversation. Also, the police arrested Will for many crimes including assault, grand theft auto, impersonating a police officer, resisting arrest, and shoplifting. Therefore, Will’s negative disposition is a result of the childhood abuse he

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