Domestic Violence: Coercion And Threats

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Domestic violence is a pattern of coercive behavior used by the batterer to establish control and fear in a relationship against an intimate partner, including physical abuse, verbal abuse, isolation, sexual abuse, threats, intimidation, emotional abuse, economic control, deprivation of rights and freedom, and the abuse and/or neglect of children. Domestic violence occurs ethic and socio economic-groups; all types of relationships including; heterosexuals, homosexuals, teen dating etc. can be in harm/exposed of domestic violence. The abuse can come from either male or female, it does not matter what gender you are. Domestic violence does not only harm the relationship but if there is a child involved it can also affect the child's mental health behavior and acting out behavior. In some articles that I have read stated; children are at an increased risk for emotional behavioral problems regardless if they were directly abused or not. Children that are exposed to domestic violence are vulnabral and they are placed at risk of harm. At times, domestic violence could be a model behavior and can be learned from prior family history. Any child that sees …show more content…

The domestic violence wheel talks upon all of the ways the battering uses the abuse. The main one I want to focus on is called “Coercion and Threats” because it is something that I see very often in teenage relationships. Making and/or carrying out threats to do something to hurt her. Threatening to leave her, commit suicide, or report her to welfare. Making her drop charges. Making her do illegal things. In the source provided it does mainly focus on the battering being identified as a male or female but all of the problems can be place on any gender. In society women or men that are exposed to domestic violence do not speak up due to fear of perhaps of deportation based on legal status in the country, use of children, fear of death,

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