Domestic Violence and Child Protection: A Case Study

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Reason Case was accepted for investigation: On 4/4/17, Hennepin County Child Protection accepted a report of alleged physical abuse. Domestic violence involves Yasmin Mohamed and Khadija Mohamed by their father Fasel Ali. Per reporter Mr. Ali threatened to kill Ms. Musse and their children Yasmin and Khadija with a knife on 4/3/17. Per reporter, Mr. Ali and Ms. Musse began arguing after school on 4/3/17 about their pending divorce. Per reporter Mr. Ali grabbed a small knife from the block on the kitchen counter. Per reporter Mr. Ali proceeded to threaten to stab and kill Ms. Musse and Yasmin with the knife, as Yasmin was witnessing this argument and knife being grabbed. Per reporter, Yasmin was upset because she thought her father was going to kill her mother. Per reporter, Mr. Ali was arrested for 2nd degree assault and is in the custody. The outcome of the Assessment: Nurta Musse: This worker met with Ms. Musse at her home privately to discuss about the report. Privacy practices and Tennessen notices were signed. The interview was recorded. Ms. Musse appeared calm and engaged during the interview. Ms. Musse stated that she will be heading to work once the interview is done and that she has a few minutes. Ms. Musse stated that she lives with her …show more content…

Musse if Mr. Ali has threatened her in the past or physically abusive toward her or her children. Ms. Musse stated that she never saw him abusive or verbally abusive to her or to her children. She reported that he is kind and gentle to his children. She reported that his personality has changed over the years and gets agitated easily when divorce topic started. Ms. Musse stated that her husband’s personality has changed once he started drinking alcohol. Also, she reported that he drinks and smokes marijuana. Ms. Musse reported that her children have not seen their father drinking or smoking. She reported that he lives outside with friends and visits the children only when he is not

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