Domestic Violence: Assaultive And Coercive Behavior

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Domestic violence
Domestic violence is a pattern of assaultive and coercive behavior, including physical, sexual, and psychological attacks, as well as economic coercion, that adults and adolescents use against their intimate partner
The united nation declaration on the elimination of violence against woman (1993) defines domestic violence against woman as “any act of gender based violence that result in , or is likely to result in, physical ,sexual or psychological harm or suffering to woman, including threats of such acts, coercion or deprivation of liberty whether , occurring in public or private life.”
Domestic violence may involve a wide range of behavior, including:
Physical abuse: including direct assault on the body, use of weapons, …show more content…

Verbal abuse: continual put down and humiliation either privately or publicly, with attacks following dear theme that focus on intelligence, sexuality, body image and capacity as a parent or spouse.
Emotional abuse: blaming the victim for all problems in relationship, constantly comparing the victim with others to undermine self esteem and self worth, sporadic sulking, withdrawing all interest and engagements (weeks of silence).
Social abuse: systematic isolation from family and friends through techniques such as ongoing rudeness from family and friends, moving to locations where the victim knows nobody ,and forbidding and preventing the victim from going out and meeting the people. Spiritual abuse: denying access to ceremonies, land or family, preventing religious observance, forcing victims to do things against their beliefs, denigration of cultural background, or using religious teachings or cultural tradition as a reason for violence.
Economic abuse: complete control of all monies, no access to bank accounts, providing an inadequate allowance using any wages earned by the victim for house hold

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