Domesti Domestic Violence

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Jail time. A criminal record. Penalties and fines. This is what a Defendant, also known as the abuser, could be looking at in a domestic violence case. What is domestic violence? It is when a person in some form of a relationship that uses “physical violence, threats, emotional abuse, harassment, or stalking to control the behavior of their partners” (Legal). Domestic violence has a misconception tagged to its meaning. The true meaning of domestic violence covers many aspects of abuse. Many people think that domestic violence is a physical altercation between a married man and woman. Sadly, that is not the case. Domestic violence not only includes physical abuse, but it also involves psychological, emotional, financial, even sexual and verbal. Regardless the type of relationship that the persons are in, it applies to everyone. …show more content…

However, many years ago, it was considered a shame or embarrassment among family members when a woman came forward about an assault or abuse. Wives were not allowed to go against their husbands with the accusations of abuse of any kind. The wife could face even more serious repercussions. The notion was that the wife was the husband’s property. He could do as he pleases with his wife and there was nothing that could be done. Domestic Violence is something that neither any woman nor man deserve. It can happen to anyone. Domestic violence is against the law. In the state of Oklahoma, there are statutes and laws in place to help the victims. Although assault and battery are two different crimes, “the crime of domestic abuse is an assault and battery” case against the abuser

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