Dog Whining Cycle Essay

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The natural way that dogs communicate is by barking, whining, and howling. Dogs express what they want to say to humans. We also want our dogs to bark as a warning of a potential danger or protect us form harm. These forms of canine expression can become a problem when it becomes excessive. The effective solution is to let your dog understand when to bark and when to be quiet. It’s our job to teach this important thought to our dogs. The minute you notice that your dog has a barking problem then start working on this problem before it is too late. The longer you wait, the more difficult it will be to correct the behavior. It is a good idea to train your dog with Speak/Quiet commands. I know that it …show more content…

You hear a playful bark when, of course, they interact and socialize with people or other dogs. The sound of this bark sounds upbeat and musical. Some dogs make an excited bark when they know they’re going to get a treat or out for a ride or walk.

Seeking attention
You know what this bark means when you hear it. It as if your dog says “Hey! Hey! Look! Here I am!” This tone is similar to the tone of a whining child.

The bark of a bored dog is the same to a dog that barks just to hear its own voice. It may sound annoying to you but is also sad to hear. Dogs that are bored often make this sound to release excess energy or just utter sense of loneliness. A walk or playing time may be just what your dog needs to beat boredom.

Responding to other dogs
You might have seen your dog do this. When one dog down the street starts to bark then one by one the other dogs in the neighborhood joins in the barking session.

Put a stop to excessive barking
By know why your dog barks excessively, you can now start to control the behavior. The best way to prevent excessive barking is to try to get rid of the possible source of the behavior. You should be certain not to encourage your dog to bark when not needed. You can also give her activities to divert her energy besides

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