Does The Bible Tell When The First Snow Is Coming?

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We can always tell when the first snow is coming. We don’t know the day or the hour but as the temperature slowing descends, the leaves fall from the trees, the sun rises later and sets sooner, the afternoon breeze is no longer a comfort from the heat but a deliverer of the cold air; we know that the time is ripe for that first snowflake to fall.
This is a good example of how the Bible describes the return of Jesus Christ. We don’t know the day nor the hour but we can see the changes that tell us the moment is near. Wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes, changes in the weather patterns, weird things going on in outer space, all these and more are signs of the last days.
There will be scoffers of these things claiming these events …show more content…

It was just ten years ago the earthquake in the Indian Ocean cause the tsunami that killed nearly a quarter of a million people.
Katrina and the worst winter anyone can remember plus a cornucopia of other things, even the experts are telling us the weather patterns are changing. If global warming is true or not is not the issue. The issue is that God is sending us the signs that His Son is coming back sooner than …show more content…

The Bible doesn’t tell us these things will all be new ways of behavior, no one has ever encountered before; it tells us these attitudes will be permeate through society causing everyday life to be more difficult and complicated.
As Christians, what do we do? If these days are upon us; do we sit back, try to stay out of the line of fire until Christ does come to get us?
God tells us to redeem the time because the days are evil (Ephesians 5:16). We must make good of every moment God gives us for two basic reasons. First, we have an unknown amount of time remaining; this is true even when we don’t see the signs of His return. Second, Christ is the only light given to this dark world of ours. We are ambassadors of that light. Christ is the only means of salvation and Christians are the tools God uses to bring the message of His salvation to this dark and dying world (John 14:6, Romans 10:13-15).
Also included in redeeming the time as Christians; a large part of that is not having a heart filled with any of those 19 heart conditions God tells us of in 2 Timothy. In fact, God tells us to turn away from them (2 Tim

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