Does Oedipus The King Respond To Injustice

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Oedipus Rex is a novel who responds to injustice because Oedipus did something wrong, he committed a murder. At Thebes he was the king and everyone look at him like a brave and honest person. Oedipus did committe something bad but he was actually a nice person. Oedipus killed his own father but he didn’t know it was his father he taught it was a stranger. He tries to look for justice to find the person who had killed Lauis because he wanted to cure the plague that was in Thebes. He asked Teiresias to help him so he did when Teiresias tells Oedipus how to cure the plague he wants justice right away. Then Teiresias tells Oedipus he is the the murder with this Oedipus gets furious and accuses Teiresias of killing Lauis. At the end of

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