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Values vs money
Money and values of life
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“When I was young I thought that money was the most important thing in life; now that I am old, I know that it is,” writes by Oscar Wilde, an Irish dramatist 1854-1900. Money is very necessary and important thing that we cannot argue its role in our lives. Therefore, I need money, and I think you and a lot of people, in the world, agree with me. However, does money bring us a happy life in both physical and mental health? According to The Singju Post “My Philosophy for a Happy Life by Sam Berns,” in the TEDxMidAtlantic’s show, October 2013. Sam Berns talks to the audiences a story about his life- “My Philosophy for a Happy Life.” Sam was known as seventeen years old boy who have the illness disease named Progeria. It made the victim tight skin, …show more content…
They believe if they have a lot of money, they will have a wonderful life and do whatever they want. Such as, drive in a Lamborghini Veneno, eat in a most expensive restaurant, married to a super model, or spend money to live in a castle like a king. As a result, they have a reason to make money and left their family behind. Many of them left their parents, spouse, or children behind and go far away from their home to make money. However, is money bringing happiness for them? I think it is not, so they were wrong because a lot of money is really good, but it is not as important as spend time with our family and enjoy the family love. According to the Huffington Post interview “Bill Gates On Whether He’s The Happiest Man On The Planet”, writes by Paige Lavender, Bill Gates said, “I think I am the luckiest man,” and: “I love my work, I’ve had two amazing careers, I’ve got an amazing family.” While Bill Gates is the richest man in the world, he is always think that family is really important to him because family makes him happy. But, in fact, when people realized family is an important part of their lives, it may too late to enjoy it. My family’s situation is a general example for many Vietnamese families in the U.S. In November 2010, my family and I came to America because of our dream, the America Dream, so we thought we could have a good life, happy life, healthier, and made more money to take care of …show more content…
If they think it can, that is because they imagine, so it is no longer. Therefore, my happiness is love that is can enjoy my life with my family and my friends. We know that love is a special gift from God. It is the most powerful thing in the world because love can do everything. Love can destroy or create a person life. It makes people snuggled together, create faith, hope, warmth, or forgiveness. Therefore, love can bring happiness to me and for many people as well. George Sand, a French romantic writer, says “There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved.” Love is just not the feeling between man and woman, so it has many kinds. Such as, family love, friendships, patriotism, love nature, love people, or love ourselves. Because we are different people, we have different kinds of love that make us feel happy. Like Sam, he loves himself, love what he is, loves what he had, loves the life around him, loves music, loves his parents and also love his friends; therefore, all of these created Sam’s happy life. How about you? What makes you
A well-known expression is that money can’t buy happiness, yet people fantasize of winning the lottery, living in their dream house, and possessing enough tangible objects to feel satisfied with their lives. Most are under the preconceived notion that the absence of wealth and power translates to hardship and despair. This, however, is not the case, because a self-effacing lifestyle is not an indication of a lower quality of life, and often is better than one of great fortune. People yearn to have the financial independence and capabilities of those in higher ranking positions, and are willing to abandon their morals and own personal well-being if it means being successful. It seems that by reaching a level of wealth in which money is no longer
...s? Just like the Once-ler and his family value financial success to obtain happiness, the same goes for contemporary society. Society is convinced happiness is achieved by acquisition and financial possessions rather than a state of mind. According to Rider “Despite increasing material wealth, Americans are not happier” (Rider). Happiness does not come from fortune and many people make the mistake in perceiving it that way. True happiness comes from one’s self and their outlook of life. In the “The Lorax” Dr. Seuss not only spread an important message about taking care of the planet, but also helped his readers become aware that wealth does not lead to happiness. Every person has their own perspective of what it means to be happier and to live a happier life, but it is important to realize that happiness comes from within and not by something obtained.
Happiness is a feeling adults experience when they receive a gift, win something, and various other reasons, but does money buy this happiness everyone experiences? Don Peck and Ross Douthat claim money does buy happiness, but only to a point in their article which originally appeared in the Atlantic Monthly (252). Throughout their article, reasons on why money can sometimes buy happiness are explained. While some of the reasons given are effective, not all are satisfying answers for adults working diligently to make a living. Money is a part of everyone’s life, yet it is not always the cause of happiness.
He further shows us that the people of today are richer than their grandparents but are not happier in their lives (from National Statistics of social pathology). Even with these facts, people in the United States still believe if they had more money all of their problems would be solved, but once they reach that next income bracket they are not satisfied and try to reach the next one. Myers et al tells us, "even if being rich and famous is rewarding, no one ever claimed material success alone makes us happy. Other conditions like - family- friends- free time - have been shown to increase happiness" (Csikszentmihaly 145). therefore we must find balance in our own lives, and not just focus on making money. Instead we need friends, family and even free time, as aforementioned doing an activity you enjoy such as listening to music or
According from the film, lesson Number four “Many people think that happiness comes from having more power or more money.” For example, Edward is a businessman in China who always felt happier by having a lot of money. He always uses his money on any situations he wants, and people treat him like a boss. That’s why when Hector asks Edward, “What is your happiness?” Edward said, “Money is my happiness.” It shows money is a part of life and a part of the happiness. It can buy anything you want, and it also can help you easily becomes VIP in restaurants or clubs. That’s why people want to work hard become rich. Although they are getting old, they don’t want to retire and fear any loss of money. That makes Hector writes down, “A lot of people think happiness means being richer or more important.” This statement points out what happens to the society right now. And Hector also feels it. It reflects the overuse of people with money. Further, everyone thinks money can make us feel happy and we can buy the happiness. However, does money really true to buy the happiness? That’s why the movie shows us money is important, but it is not everything. The movie tries to explain it, but it also said that without money you couldn’t be
For some, happiness is all that matters. Happiness is achieved in many ways, and it doesn’t always involve money. There are many things that contribute to making a person feel happy and successful. One can feel successful without a lot of money at all. For example, feeling loved is something that makes everyone happy. Many believe that without love life is not thoroughly complete, thus never truly achieving success. Ones line of work can also affect how happy he is. Some feel that it is more important to enjoy work and get less money than it is to hate work and get paid more. Another factor in achieving psychological success is ones ability to enjoy what life gives him. There are many qualities of life that are overlooked. Everyone is dealt family and it is important to value that.
Happiness is something most humans value above everything else. The various things in life that make us happy, such as family, friends, and cool cars, to name a few, are the very things we hold dearest to us and place the most value on. People fill their lives with things that please them to ease the gloom that comes as a result of the seemingly never-ending trials and tribulations of life. We gladly accept any amount of pleasure we can extract from the monotony of our daily lives, and we will do almost anything to achieve happiness.
What are the factors that contribute to an individual’s happiness? There are many factors that could contribute to one’s happiness, but everybody has different things that make them happy. There are so many factors that could affect whether a person is happy or not and it effects each person differently.
In both Andy Mulligan’s Trash and Christopher Paul Curtis’s The Might Miss Malone, the authors show the significance of family & friends and how important they are instead of money to live a happy life. Both novels take characters that show how even without money there life goes on. The authors of both novels clearly present the challenges these characters go through to get money but are still happy without it. By doing this the reader can see how money isn’t everything in life, you struggle but there is not need to stop.
Money and Happiness are two things that we have all given a lot thought. We put lots of effort into these two things either trying to earn them or trying to increase them. The connection we make between money and happiness is strange because they are two very different concepts. Money is tangible, you can quantify it, and know exactly how much of it you have at any given time. Happiness, on the other hand, is subjective, elusive, has different meanings for different people and despite the efforts of behavioral scientist and psychologist alike, there is no definitive way to measure happiness. In other word, counting happiness is much more difficult than counting dollar bills. How can we possibly make this connection? Well, money, specifically in large quantity, allows for the freedom to do and have anything you want. And in simplest term, happiness can be thought of as life satisfaction and enjoyment. So wouldn’t it make sense that the ability to do everything you desire, result in greater satisfaction with your life.
Money is probably one of the most important things in this world. Without it, life would be very hard. With it, you become economically stable making life would be easier in some ways. But the real question is, can money actually make someone physically and emotionally happy? There are many sides to this debate; some who say yes and others who say no. Though most people agree with the statement, “Money doesn’t buy happiness,” there is still a large amount of people who disagree with it. They believe that money does indeed buy happiness and that it’s the most important thing in the world. There is no right or wrong answer to this question, it’s just a matter of what you believe in and your values.
When none of us has ever come across such words and formulas, none of the great personalities has ever mentioned it, then who the hell has instilled it in our minds that money brings happiness. But among this debate one question still raises its head - What is happiness? Happiness is not actually leading a luxurious life but the luxury of living a life. Happiness is not actually about expanding your business, but it lies in expanding the horizons of life. Happiness is not having a meal in the most famous restaurant but to have it with your most beloved family. It does not lie in attending honorable parties but to attend a party with honor.
We might not have the same opinions, paths, and ways of living; but we all, millions of people around the world, share the same purpose of life: Being able to say “I am having a good life!” What we mean by “good life” is living in pure happiness and having a wonderful peace of mind. The difference between us is that each one of us chooses a different way in his pursuit of happiness. Some find it in stability with a big house, a family, and a good paying job. Some find it in adventure and wildness, travel, and taking risks. While others don’t really have specific criteria or an organized plan, they just believe that happiness comes with living each day as if it was the last, with no worries about the rest. Personally, I find it in trying to be the best version of myself, in staying true to my principles, and in the same time in being able to make my own decisions; which reminds me of what George Loewenstein said “Just because we figure out that X makes people happy and they're choosing Y, we don't want to impose X on them.”
It seems only natural that happiness should flow from having more money. Even if they don’t admit it, people still behave as though it were true. More money means you can have what you want and do what you want. The house you dream of? It’s yours. The new car you desire? Here are the keys. The freedom to enjoy your favourite pastimes? Here’s your racket, the court is down there, just past the pool.
I never really thought the expression, “money can’t buy happiness”, was true. As an infant, just by observing the people around me, I observed when they would obtain money and a huge grin would spread across their face, the corners of their smile spreading from ear to ear. Whenever I would see that grin and a person’s face light up at the sight of a crisp, green bill it would make me believe that I had proved the famous expression wrong. Now that I’ve grown up and matured, my idea of that expression has changed. As of now, I am able to reflect on life more and look deeper into things and particularly into people more than I was able to do years ago. My ideas about this expression changed the most though because of the money situation my family had stumbled upon because of the failing economy. I remember being younger when the economy was doing well and waking up to twenty gifts for each of my three sisters and I. We used to believe that all of those presents, brought in because of money of course, were the best part of waking up on Christmas. Of course all of those toys and material items would make a child happy; however looking back it would only make them happy if it was given to them by somebody who bought it for them with love.