Does Euthanasia Violate Human Dignity Essay

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Does euthanasia really violate human dignity?Euthanasia does not violate human dignity. In this essay, I am gonna conceive people that euthanasia does not violate human dignity and rights. I will write about three details that prove to the reader that euthanasia does not violate with human dignity. The first detail describes the suffering. The second describes their freedom, and the third describes why death with dignity is important.
If you are suffering from the pain, you have the choice of ending it. It does not go against human dignity if you choose it to happen. In quote 10 on euthanasia, It talks about how if you are suffering from a long-term illness, you have the choice of being euthanized. “ I think those who have a terminal …show more content…

It can be done if chosen. In quote 9 on euthanasia, Its explains clearly how freedom is a choice from what job you have to who you marry, euthanasia is also one of the choices of freedom. “We are able to choose all kinds of things in life from whom we marry to what kind of work we do and I think when one comes to end of one's life, whether you have a terminal illness or whether you are elderly, you should have a choice about what happens to you” (Michael Irwin). My quote on freedom perfectly supports my topic sentence because it states everything is freedom. My quote states that we are able to choose who we marry and what we do for work, of course, it would only fair if we had that choice for euthanasia.And we do have that freedom because if we have the freedom to choose who we marry or choose what work we want, of course, we have the choice of being Euthanized. That freedom of choice to be euthanized makes you enjoy death with a smile on your face, and die with dignity. In this quote when it elaborates about how it's a freedom to be euthanized, Michael Irwin is teaching people from this quote to not be against euthanasia, and how someone's choice of freedom can put a smile on their faces, and make them die with

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