Do We Have Free Will Essay

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Do we have free will? Why? What are the implications of your conclusion?
The question is whether one really has the power to decide on his life as well as the future or if everything is predestined by nature or someone (God)? Or if there is any other explanation that is more likely?
I have always thought that we have had our own free will to make their own decisions and actions regarding different things. This is mostly because I think it would be rather unpleasant to know that you do not have any own will or choices to perform, but also that it would be pointless, whatever you do, nevertheless, the same result will be all the same. Because in general you would like to think that you always have a chance to make everything go well or get a better result. However, in fact, you can not know if the free will exists or not. Because there is no possibility to know how it is. All you can do is just guess and assume. In this text I intend to account for the three most important views on free will and describe which one I think is most likely; determinism, indeterminism and fatalism. Underlying causes always make a big difference to what decision to make.
The majority of individuals are sure that …show more content…

And ultimately, this denial of The underlying causes are, for the most part, of great importance for what decision to take. Cause of cause upbringing, legacy, experience, social circumstances help one to make the decisions that one has to take. On the other hand, some consider that these factors not only affect one's choices but also determine them. They therefore think that there is no chance of shopping in any other way than what they did. They therefore believe in determinism. One example is that I'm out at a cafe and then a stranger comes and invites me to a drink. I know he will be hard and demand something if I thank you for the drink, yet I accept

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