Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night Essay

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Pain, sickness, and death plague the human race and always will. People are born and die everyday, as is the natural order of things. It is a rather depressing fate to know one will die regardless of the good things he or she may have done in life. Human nature is to fight against such a fate. People are resilient and most will not succumb to depression because of the inevitability of death despite the shortness of life and the little that can be done in it. Being a person means never giving up even while knowing there will have to be and end someday. Dylan Thomas’s “Do not go Gentle into that Good Night” is an encouragement to all people to fight until their last breath and to get everything possibly out of life not matter what situation presents itself.
Depression affects many people every day, and suicide is not horribly uncommon. Sometimes people cannot bring themselves to continue living, only to die later. Thomas believes that …show more content…

This whole poem holds such deep emotion and in those two lines it becomes so plain where it all comes from. Thomas is begging his father to fight for life. All of the people he mentions before are examples. Thomas is saying that all of those people have fought for life, now it is his father’s turn to do the same. The prospect of his father’s death is painful to him.
Death is extremely painful to those left behind on earth. The death of loved ones cause the strongest emotions a person can feel. Death is indiscriminate when it comes to race, gender, or creed. Everyone is going to die. The idea seems extremely depressing and terrifies many people. No one knows what comes after death for certain. What if dying itself hurts? What if no one was good enough to deserve a comfortable afterlife? There are so many questions that are impossible to answer and people fear the unknown more than anything they will ever

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