Do Neighborhoods Affect the Development of Children

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In the research scientific paper “Children and Youth in Neighborhood Contexts,” by Tama Leventhal and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, questioned if neighborhoods affect the development of children? This was the main topic of the article to see do certain neighbors effect children cognitive development. According to the article, found that children and adults who live in high-income neighborhoods cognitive ability and performed well in school were higher compare to people who lived in middle-income neighborhoods. While those families who lived in low-income areas showed mental and physical health problems compared to middle income neighborhoods. In most cases, residents who live high-income neighborhoods do better compared to neighborhood with fewer resources. The more stable the neighborhood is the better resources they had. These facts show that communities do matter in the cognitive development of kids.

In summary, the article argues that neighborhood affects it resident’s behavior. The main points are financial reasons and discrimination effects the location of the resident in deciding where to live. In many cases some families do not have the means to move due to being stuck in poverty. It also referenced that many families were living in areas that they can afford which makes some go to lower income neighborhood. It is linked to many neighborhoods having the same demographic due to people incomes level living in the same area. Due to some families whom are turned down when moving to better income neighborhoods. The authors also addresses many different view points to see if other factors effect children and not just the neighborhood being the only problem. The authors proved this theory when they tried out a plan that had families rand...

... middle of paper ... neighborhood and this leaves those who are not bright in poverty stricken neighborhoods is invalid. As a result that some people who live in low-income neighborhoods cannot always move because not all people have a way out of poverty to move to better neighborhoods. This does not mean that they are not bright. I also show that many neighborhoods like high-income neighborhood are able to be successful do to resources that make them financially stable. The articles gives evidence to stay the children in poverty stricken areas face health problems because lack of resources or hospital care for children in those neighborhoods. The article shows that people do not always have choice in where they get to move.


Leventhal, T., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (2003). Children and youth in neighborhood contexts. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 12, 27-31.

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