Dnr Policy Analysis

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DNR policy in NY state: From a critical social theory perspective
DNR is a legal order to facilitate natural death or no intervention to prevent death. This is an important decision on someone’s life and reflect their wishes (ANA 2012). In New York state Nurse practitioners are allowed to sign death certificates but not allowed to enter Do Not Resuscitate order. In New York state, nurse practitioner’s scope of practice includes diagnose, treat illness and give compassionate care but not “eligible” to give end of life care (NYSOP, 2016). This also interferes the continuity of care. DNR policy in New York state is a main barrier to achieve full extent of our education and training.

Analysis of the historical, political, economic and social aspects of DNR policy in New York state. …show more content…

Health care providers were over used CPR on every patient without knowing the consequences of CPR. Studies were showed high mortality rate in post CPR patients. Then physicians were made patients DNR without telling patients or their family and nurses were placed a purple sticker on these patients charts to provide a visual cue to other health care providers. Eventually few stickers were fell off or misplaced. In 1987 New York state passed the bill that physician can write DNR order according to patient or health care proxy’s decision. In 1991, congress has passed patient self-determination act (ANA 2012). It clearly states that physicians are not allowed to enter DNR order without the permission of patient or health acre

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