Dixie Flag Research Paper

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The confederate battle flag, also known as the old Dixie flag strikes as a controversial topic. The flag sparks many ideas as to what it represents, symbolizes, and is viewed as by the general public. Given the the history behind the flag one should have a chance to see an explanation of the true meaning and history of the flag before choosing a stance. It will show the true meaning of America and history. The Dixie flag should not be banned or made illegal in any county, city or state. During the civil war the flag was created for the confederate states of the civil war to identify the soldiers of the south. Today many people view it as racist or as a white supremacist symbol. The true meaning of the war and why it was fought was not about …show more content…

The confederate army, commanded by Robert E. Lee, represented the south. While Ulysses S. Grant commanded the Union in the the north. The war was fought in thousands of locations from southern New Mexico to the Florida coast. Around 3.5 million soldiers served and approximately 620,000 soldiers lost their lives. According to “The Confederate States of America” published on March 18th, 2013, “the war was fought due to the fear that they would discredit democracy and create a fatal precedent that would fragment the country and no longer would there be a United States.” This means that the confederate states were afraid that the union causing the north to abolish democracy causing the United States of America to split up causing states to become their own country. The confederate states of America consisted of 11 southern states. The 7 Deep South states, successful in the succession, included (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Texas). All 11 states however attempted and fought in order to succeed from the union due to the fear of fragmenting the United States of America and abolishment of slavery which would corrupt the economy due to president Abraham Lincoln's election. The south saw the confederate flag as a way to freedom. The civil war was their opportunity to rebel and become free of policies they did not agree with. Having the rebel …show more content…

The Declaration of Independance was created to clarify and justify the actions of the second continental congress, which assumed powers of the government. The declaration also justified and was written for King George and the world to read, it affirmed the tyranny and hypocrisy of the English parliament. Everybody is allowed to practice their own religions and express their beliefs no matter how wrong or right. However the confederate flag is being banned in many states suppressing the beliefs of most southern people. Not only does this play under the Declaration of Independence but also under the constitution of the United States of America. The first amendment states that all people are given the freedom to religion, assembly, petition, press, and most importantly speech. Not only will the banning of the rebel flag takeaway the freedom of expression and belief but also suppresses the freedom of speech. In recent cases such as Texas v. Johnson, a decision by the Supreme Court of

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