Distracted Driving

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On October 28, 2016, Joseph Tikalsky took a short break between routes in New Prague, Minn. The 79-year-old drove a school bus because he loved it. It was around 7:35 AM and he crossed the road to get his mailbox, when suddenly out of nowhere. A 48-year-old school teacher was texting and struck Tikalsky. He was pronounced dead at the scene – Hamilton Spectator News. After hearing this story, it is heartbreaking to know how dangerous distracted driving is and the consequences. The following advertisement is trying to emphasize the message of “do not drive while distracted” across for all drivers on the road. It uses multiple people in the scene because it is trying to illustrate that being distracted on the road has consequences that not only …show more content…

It serves as a reminder that drivers always need to pay attention to the road. It is not only dangerous but also illegal and will have fines that may include jail penalties. This is because being distracted while driving will also cause reckless driving, which may inflict even more penalties. For example, having a handheld device may result in a fine up to $1000. Not only that, but hitting someone will violate the careless driving law which may result in a license suspension of up to 2 years with a jail term of six months according to the government of Ontario. The intended audience that this advertisement is trying to address is for all those that are driving no matter who you are and how long you have been driving for. This is because no matter what, distracted driving is still illegal and dangerous to everyone. It is also responsible for peers of young drivers and teenagers to educate them and allow them to realize how dangerous distracted driving is before it is too late. According to statistics from edgarsyndar.com, about 32.8% high school students nationwide use their devices while driving and 12% of them were involved in fatal car accidents. In 2013, about 8 teens died per day in car accidents worldwide. This just proves how important it is for adults to educate the youth about the dangers of driving while …show more content…

The effectiveness of the image of the two people in the car, represents how being distracted prevents you from realizing you have a chance of hitting someone. By the time you realize it will be too late and the damage has been done. The text is there to remind the audience that they need to consider the people around them as well as themselves before they proceed with something that will distract them from driving. The layout is effective because it gives us an example of a situational that may occur when they are distracted. This brings us back to the story in the beginning that was mentioned. The story is a representation of how dangerous it is to drive while distracted and serves a reminder to always stay focused on the

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