Disillusion In Brave New World

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Society has one single fatal flaw, and it is it’s obsession with perfection. Every single person on this earth desires to be something that they are not. It is a mental, physical and psychological disillusion that people can obtain perfection, but the truth is that perfection is unattainable. Often as a society moves toward perfection, more imperfection is created and progression is stopped. Brave New World’s author, Aldous Huxley, helps display to readers how obtaining “perfection” truly disillusions humanity and creates a dystopia. Huxley argues the discord between knowledge and stability, and the power of conformity in order to illustrate the absurdity of humanity’s desire to reach perfection.
The incompatibility between knowledge …show more content…

The novel presents an alarmingly bleak future society, in which uniqueness is lost and confinement is valued. Individuality is compromised through the Bokanovasky Process. The Bokanovasky Process is the method used to create identical “perfect” human beings for their respective social class. In the opening pages of the novel the Director explains the process. He begins with stating “Standard men and women; in uniform batches” (Huxley 7). The diction choice of standard represents the loss of individuality. To be standard means to meet the normal expectations and not be an individual. Instead of have a society filled with people, who have opinions and morals, the World State has clones. The novel displays that in order for a utopian society to actualize a state of perfection, a loss of individuality must occur. The crucial factor of perfection implies that individuality must be absent. In the words of one of the ten controllers, "[there is] no civilization without social stability. No social stability without individual stability" (Huxley 42). This quote shows that the basic principal of the World State is stability. In order for the society to reach perfection, stability must be created no matter the cost. The major cost of stability is humanity. A human is unable to reach perfection because they have emotions and a mind that can control their emotions to a certain degree. Emotions create individuals. The way a person reacts to situations is what makes them an individual. Emotions allow man to believe and dream, to grow and love, but these intense human characteristics handicap perfection and stability, this is why the Bokanovasky Process was created, to dehumanize and create people that accept

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