Discussion of John Bowlby's Research on Parent's Influence on Their Children's Behavior

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After thoroughly examining different cases of maladjusted children, psychologist John Bowlby began to pioneer his work, linking patients’ childhood histories to the symptoms they showed. It appeared that the children’s behavior was affected by the parental deprivation and instances of separations they had since infancy. He also made medical breakthroughs when he discovered that parents’ childhood experiences also contribute significantly to the behavior of these emotionally troubled children (Bretherton, 1994, p. 762). Although he originally established the theory on the attachment behavioral system of a child, he ascribed that each child has a distinct way of appraising the receptiveness towards their primary caregivers and how they adjust their actions and behavior when responding to unfamiliar settings or threats.

Objective of the Study

This report aims to discuss John Bowlby’s research on attachment. The study revolves around infants and their primary caregivers, properly addressing the attachment level between them, and how they interact with each other. With thorough observations, this study will be able to determine how attachment affects the infant’s sense of security and predetermine their future behavior.


Subjects or Participants:

Bowlby studied 2 to 36-month old infants. Although there must be further research from 37th month and above, Bowlby believes that the following ages are the most crucial in developing behavioral characteristics among infants. The researcher, however, did not mention other relevant factors concerning the participants such as their race, socioeconomic level and the like.

Strange Situation Procedure:

To examine how attachments vary from one situation to another, Bowlby conduct...

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